本研究の目的は,「小学校学習指導要領が改定され,2021年度以降には,新しい学習指導要領に沿った教育を受けた生徒が本校に入学してくる.そのような生徒たちに対してどのような ICTスキル教育を行ったら良いかを明らかにする.そして,実態に合ったカリキュラムを再開発し,より良い授業を提供することを目指す」としていた.2年目となる今年度も,国内でICTを活用している教育機関の視察を予定していたが,新型コロナウィルス感染症拡大により実施することができなかった.
今年度は,新型コロナウィルス感染症拡大により,多くの小・中・高等学校が休校,対面授業が行えなくなった.子供たちの学習をオンラインで維持するために,2019年12月に文部科学省から発表された,「GIGAスクール構想」が大幅に前倒しされることとなった.そこで,2021年度に本校に入学してくる生徒が,GIGAスクール構想で配備・使用してきそうなPCを実際に使用し,小学校で身に付きそうなスキルについて考察を行った.今回は,GIGAスクール構想が提示している学習者用端末の共通仕様である,タッチパネル・キーボード・カメラ搭載などを満たしたWindows 10,Chrome OS,iPad OSを搭載した機種を実際に使用した.まず,タッチパネルが標準仕様であることは,PC操作に不慣れな初心者には使いやすそうであった.一方で,本校のPCにはタッチパネルが使用されておらず,環境の違いに慣れさせる必要性を感じた.次に,Chrome OSを搭載した端末はセットアップも早く,複数のユーザーで利用できる,ウィルス対策が不要など,他のOSにはない利点に気が付いた.しかし,Chrome OSは,データをすべてクラウドで管理するため,クラウド以外にもデータを保存する場所があることを理解させることも必要になると考えられる.その他,様々なICT環境で授業を受けてきた生徒にも対応できるよう,授業内での取り組みに工夫が必要になると思われる.
The purpose of this study is to research the following statement: "Elementary school learning courses have been revised and students who have been taught these new courses will enter our school starting in 2021. We aim to clarify what kind of ICT skill education should be provided to such students, restructure the curriculum to suit the actual situation, and provide better lessons." This year (2021) is the second year the new courses are being taught, we had planned to visit educational institutions that are using these new ICT classes in Japan, but we could not do so due to the spread of the new coronavirus infectious disease.
Due to the spread of the coronavirus infection this year, many elementary, junior high, and high schools were closed and face-to-face lessons became impossible. In order to keep children learning online, the "GIGA School Concept" announced by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in December 2019 has been significantly advanced. Therefore, we considered the skills that students who will enter our school in 2021 will have acquired in elementary school by actually using the PCs that are likely to be deployed and used in the GIGA School Concept.
This time, we used a model equipped with Windows 10, Chrome OS, and iPad OS that satisfy the common specifications of the learner terminal presented by the GIGA School Concept, such as touch panel, keyboard, and camera. First, the standard specifications of the touch panel seemed to be easy to use for beginners who are not accustomed to using a PC. On the other hand, our computer did not use a touch panel, and I felt that it took time to get used to the differences in the environment. However, I also realized that it was easy to set up, could be used by multiple users, and did not require antivirus measures that other operating systems do not have, such as devices running Chrome OS. However, Chrome OS manages all the data in a cloud system, so users need to understand that there are other places to store data outside the cloud. In addition, it is necessary to devise a lesson approach so that it can accommodate students who have taken lessons in various ICT environments.
We also had a lot of online lessons this year, so we used webcams, microphones, headphones for live lessons, and LCD tablets suitable for writing on lesson slides and scoring online submissions. It took me a while to get used to using the LCD tablet, but I was able to provide participants in the online classes with an experience that closely paralleled my writing on the blackboard, so I thought it would be very useful in the future.