前立腺癌に対して前立腺全摘術を行った症例のうち、生検で片葉陽性であり、局所療法コンセンサス会議の適格基準(PSA<15 ng/mL, clinical stage T1c-T2a, 生検Gleason score(GS)3+3または3+4)を満たし、3-Tesla multiparametric MRI (3T mpMRI)が施行された111例にtumor mapを作成し、片葉局所療法の候補者予測モデルを構築した。Tumor mapは摘出された前立腺を3mm毎にスライスすることにより得られたプレパラート上の前立腺癌の輪郭を、マーカーで囲むことにより作成した。tumor map、Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System version 2 (PIRADS ver2)を用いたMRIスコアを検討した。MRIスコアは5段階で評価した。
We retrospectively analyzed data from 111 patients with unilateral prostate cancer on biopsy with detailed tumor maps from whole-mount slides and preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data. These patients met the focal therapy consensus meeting inclusion criteria (PSA<15 ng/mL, clinical stage T1c-T2a, and Gleason score (GS) 3+3 or 3+4 on needle biopsy) and underwent radical prostatectomy. Both lobes of the prostate were scored on MRI using Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System version 2 (PIRADS ver2). Preoperative characteristics including biopsy and MRI data were used to predict candidates for hemi-ablative focal therapy.
When candidates of hemi-ablative focal therapy were defined as pT2a-pT2c with no GS7 or more, 0.5cc or more GS6 tumor in biopsy negative lobe, 51 patients were considered as candidates. Multi variate analysis revealed MRI score on biopsy negative lobe was an independent predictor. On the other hands, allowing pT3a in biopsy positive and <0.5cc GS7 or more in biopsy negative lobe, 84 patients were considered as candidates. Multi variate analysis revealed MRI score on biopsy negative lobe, age, and PSA were independent predictors. If it becomes possible to predict candidates for focal therapy for prostate cancer, it will be possible to make appropriate treatment choices with reduced side effect.
Further studies with more patients may provide more accurate selection criteria for candidates of this treatment.