(1) 半経験的な密度汎関数強束縛(DFTB)法の利用を検討した。動径分布関数、拡散係数や赤外吸収スペクトルなどで良好な結果を得たが、定圧条件下で系が膨張し続け亜臨界水の挙動を示す問題が明らかとなった。自己イオン化では密度揺らぎが重要になりうるため、この挙動は致命的である。従って、計算コストは高いが致命的な欠陥のない密度汎関数理論(DFT)を使用することとした。
(2) 高コストなDFTでは自己イオン化のダイナミクスを直接的に扱うことは現実的ではない。よって、低振動数モードは古典力場で扱い、結合の解離生成と分子内振動のみをDFTで扱うことで自己イオン化を解析する戦略を立てた。まずは古典力場の水分子がどのような運動と分子配置を持つのかを調査した。表面の分子間運動はバルクに比べ、束縛並進が減少し、束縛回転が顕著になることが確認された。さらに、先行研究で示唆された自己イオン化に繋がりやすい水の構造、つまり「短い水素結合鎖」と「水素由来の大きな配位数」について解析した。その結果、両方を満たす水素結合様式は表面層にしか現れないことが判明した。これは、氷内部に比べて表面で自己イオン化が起きやすいという実験事実との関連が期待されるものであり、表面特異性が明らかになりつつある。次年度では、この表面特異性が実際の自己イオン化とどう関係しているかをあらわに解析する。
Autoionization of a water molecule, which generates OH- and H3O+, is one of the fundamental chemical reactions. Recently, an experiment reported that autoionization is enhanced on the ice surface. However, Understanding of the molecular mechanism, for example what kinds of structures are necessary for autoionization to proceed, has still been quite ambiguous. The purpose of this study is to elucidate molecular collective structures triggering autoionization by using a molecular dynamics simulation method.
We carried out in this year two investigations mainly: (1) consideration to use a density functional tight binding (DFTB) method for describing autoionization and (2) analysis of fundamental properties such as vibrational motions and hydrogen bond structures.
(1) We considered the possibility of the semiempirical DFTB method. While we obtained reasonable results in bulk water in terms of radial distribution functions, diffusion constants, and IR spectrum, we observed behavior of subcritical water under the constant atmosphere pressure condition. This is a serious situation because density fluctuation can be essential to describe an autoionization process. Thus, we decided to use the density functional theory (DFT), which has no critical inadequacy except for the high computational cost, instead of the DFTB method.
(2) It is impractical to trace an autoionization process fully using a computationally demanding DFT method. Therefore, our new strategy is to treat low frequency modes and high frequency modes including bond dissociation/creation by a classical force field and a DFT method, respectively. First, we investigated molecular motions and structures generated by force-field simulations. We observed reduction of hindered translation modes and enhancement of hindered rotation modes in the surface molecules, compared to the bulk molecules. In addition, we analyzed water structures in terms of "short hydrogen bond chain" and "large coordination number derived from surrounding hydrogens". Those structures were proposed in a literature to promote an autoionization process. Our analysis revealed that the characteristic hydrogen-bond structure appears only on the surface. The findings thus obtained are expected to be linked to the experimental fact that autoionization occurs more frequently on the ice surface than in the bulk. The explicit relation between actual autoionization processes and the findings will be clarified in the following year.