This study focuses on Austria. In Austria, anticipated purchasers and approximate prices are assumed and suitable wood conversion is determined by tower yarder operators in advance before trees are felled using chainsaws, collected using tower yarders and made into timber products. The harvested timber is sorted out at each harvesting site according to shipping destinations. The ensuing weighing, transportation and other logistical processes are efficiently handled by software programs developed for the purposes. In Northern Europe, on the other hand, relevant instructions for wood conversion are provided via information communication devices mounted on harvesters prior to yarding and transportation. This system ensures appropriate supply and demand matching. This is a difference between Northern Europe and Austria. In Austria, basic information on forestry and empirical knowledge on operations had been collected, analyzed and digitalized prior to the IT development, and one can forecast cost for tree planting and tending, as well as estimated yields in the future. These basic databases, empirical values and future estimates are fully incorporated in software programs for extensive use. This study was originally focused on the information communication technology itself. It was discovered, however, that the reasons for Europe's great advancement of information communication technology are mainly because forestry is a major industry in Europe and the operations and distribution systems are making progress on a daily basis and because sufficient data and know-how have been accumulated and substantiated for the use on software programs. Finally, a lesson to be learned by Japan is that Europe's technology development started at, and is continuing in, those areas that deserve rationalization and enhanced efficiency as forestry differs greatly from place to place.