また、2020年度はそのほかに、帝国データバンク史料館刊行のMuze Vol.37及び朝倉書店刊行の『郷土史大系 生産・流通(下)』に本テーマに関連する小論を執筆し(いずれも「本研究課題に関する発表」の項参照)、近刊の『社会経済史事典』(丸善出版)及び『ハンドブック日本経済史』(ミネルヴァ書房)にも関連する小論を執筆した。
The original plan was to go to the Hokkaido Public Library to investigate the documents of the Kasahara family, a soy sauce brewer in Sapporo, and to the History Museum of Nakatsu City, Oita Prefecture, to investigate the materials of the Kikuchi family documents. But I couldn't go to the material survey due to the corona virus, and I couldn't go as planned.
Therefore, as an alternative measure, toward 2021, which is the third year of the three-year plan, I have purchased related books as much as possible to enhance the research system, and at the same time, I searched and analyzed as many materials related to this theme as I could at the University Library, libraries in Tokyo, and historical materials museums. The results were announced at the Soy Sauce Brewing History Study Workshop in March 2021. What was made clear there was that in modern times, Hokuriku soy sauce from Niigata and Ishikawa prefectures was actively exported to Hokkaido by ship and railroad, which threatened the soy sauce brewing industry in Hokkaido. However, at the same time, it seems that it also had the effect of encouraging the soy sauce brewing industry in Hokkaido, and in fact, soy sauce production in Hokkaido showed rapid growth.
I plan to publish this result in an academic journal, and I would like to make use of it for future research and research in Hokkaido.
In addition to this, in 2020, I wrote essays related to this theme in Muze Vol.37 published by Teikoku Data Bank Historical Museum and "Local History Taikei" published by Asakura Shoten . I also wrote essays related to the upcoming "Encyclopedia of Socio-Economic History" (Maruzen Publishing) and "Handbook on Japanese Economic History" (Minerva Shobo).