More than twenty years have passed since the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology started to attach importance to the performance and appreciation of various types of traditional Japanese music in lessons from primary schools to senior-high schools. However, still now, there are differences between the terminology used in the classroom and that used by performers. It tends to lead to teachers, especially non-specialist in Japanese music, to serious confusion. Because of a lack of practical material in that field, most school teachers teach courses blindly using government authorized textbooks. This research aims to address that problem by clarifying the terminology and presenting teacher, with the proper information.
The first year of this three-year research project mainly focused on the examination and sorting of the special terms used in traditional Japanese music lessons in school, in order to shed light on the current situation. By extracting terms employed in government approved music textbooks for primary schools, junior-high schools and senior high schools, it has been revealed that there are differences in the depth of detail depending on genre, based on the level of specialist input. School music courses must select what is necessary for students from a large amount of information, whilst working under difficult restrictions such as a lack of specialised teachers and limits to teaching hours.
To provide appropriate and balanced knowledge on traditional Japanese music to children, careful editing of teaching materials is necessary. With a view to redressing the terminological bias uncovered in this study, the next step is to further research the differences in usage between educational and specialist fields. The final target is to be able to draft an experimental textbook of benefit to current, non-specialist teachers.