本研究では,認知科学的な観点から,ラップ活動を支える身体の役割を検討した。ラップとは,リズムに乗せて早口で語るダンス音楽のことであり,言語,音楽,身体動作が交差する活動である。ラップ中のラッパーの振る舞いを観察すると,彼らが常に手を動かしていることに気づく。これまで研究によれば,発話中の身体活動,特に発話に付随して産出される身振りが,発話産出を促進させることが明らかになっている (Kita et al., 2017)。また,StreeckとHnderson (2010)は,フリースタイル(即興型式)のラップを質的に分析した。彼らは,ラップ中の手の動きが,リズム,言葉のフロー(流れ)やライミング(頭韻や脚韻の連鎖によってリズムを作り出すこと)と関係していること見出し,手の動きが,そうしたパラ言語に影響を与えているのではないかと推測している。本研究では,Streeck and Henderson (2010)の観察をもとに,ラップ中の手の動きがラップの音響特性に影響を及ぼしているかどうかを検討する。
In this study, we examined how rapper's body movements enhance his rapping activity. Rapping is a musical form of vocal delivery that incorporates rhyme, rhythmic speech, and street vernacular. It is also an activity where language, music, and body movements intersect. We easily notice that rappers constantly move their hands while rapping. Studies have shown that body movements while speaking, especially hand gestures associated with speech, enhanced speech production (Kita et al., 2017). Streetk and Hnderson (2010) qualitatively analyzed improvised freestyle rap. They found that hand movements during rapping were related to rhythm, word flow and rhyming. From these observations, they speculated that hand movements have an effect on acoustic characteristics of rap. Based on observations made by Streetk and Henderson (2010), we investigated whether hand movements during rapping affect the acoustic characteristics of rap. To this end, two professional rappers participated in this study. Both have more than 15 years of rap experience and have won national freestyle rap competitions. The rappers sang their own songs under the following four conditions. Condition 1: Hand movement were allowed with a track, Condition 2: Hand movement were allowed without a track, Condition 3: Hand movement were not allowed without a track, Condition 4: Hand movement were not allowed with a track. Under free hand movement conditions (condition 1 and 2), no instruction on hand movement was given. In the hand movement constraint conditions (condition 3 and 4), we instructed to put their hands under their armpits and not moving other body parts as much as possible while rapping. We calculated the average and maximum values of the intensity, pitch, and duration for each condition. As a result, a main effect of the condition was found in the average value of the intensity and the maximum value of the pitch. The multiple comparisons showed that the intensities in the conditions 2 and 4 were stronger than those in the conditions 1 and 3. In the condition 1, the maximum pitch was higher than in the other three conditions. These findings suggest that hand movements during rapping contribute to rap activity.