Oriental Honey Buzzard (OHB; Pernis ptilorhyncus) is a summer migrant raptor in Japan, and has a marked feather color polymorphism, especially on the ventral region. In order to elucidate the molecular mechanism responsible for this polymorphism, we examined the relationship between the feather color phenotypes and Mc1r gene polymorphism which involved in pigment type switching, and we identified a dark brown phenotype-specific gene polymorphism. The OHB Mc1r gene for dark brown phenotype (and its derivatives) clearly different from Mc1r for light-colored or barred-type. This result suggested that the OHBs breeds in Japan were formed from two ancestral lines.
Therefore, in this research, we sequenced Cytb gene, ND2 gene, and the control region of mitochondrial DNA from 35 individuals. No genetic polymorphism was found in any of the individuals sequenced for the Cytb gene, but one was found in the ND2 gene and split 21:14. In the control region, we found 30 base substitutions in 33 haplotypes. Haplotype network analysis based on these sequences revealed that mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms could be divided into two groups and suggests the OHB breeding in Japan formed from two ancestral lines. This conclusion corresponds to the result of Mc1r gene analysis.
On the other hand, there is no correlation between mitochondrial DNA haplotype and Mc1r haplotype in each individual. These results indicate that the two OHB ancestor populations had integrated in Japan.
Many studies have been conducted to estimate the origin of species from comparisons of genetic polymorphisms for each regional population, targeting small animals with low mobility. On the other hand, our study is unique because we showed the origin of a specie using migratory birds that migrate long distances.