本課題はアジア域圏の神経免疫疾患を専門とする神経内科医のネットワークを構築することを目標として遂行された。主たる神経免疫疾患である多発性硬化症(multiple sclerosis; MS)においては、2019年5月にはシンガポールで開催されたアジア域圏のMS Summitにおいて座長を務め議論を深めた。2019年10月にはベトナムで開催されたTH国際病院起工式に出席し、慶應義塾大学病院とTH国際病院のMOA締結の証人となった。また同月台湾で開催された同国のMS研究会において進行型MSに関する基調講演を行った。2019年11月には環アジアMS治療研究会議(PACTRIMS)に出席し、同会議の中央委員としてPACTRIMSのあり方についてアジア諸国の代表者と議論を重ねつつ、研究発表を行った。また同月インドにおいて同国のMS研究会においてMS治療に関する基調講演を行った。2020年1月には大阪にて東アジア諸国の専門家を招き、MSの国際研究会を開催した。
The aim of the current research project is to develop a network of neurologist in the field of neuro-immunology in the Asian region. Particularly in multiple sclerosis (MS), the researcher attended the "Asian MS Summit", which was held in Singapore in May 2019, and served as a chair to deepen the discussion. In October 2019, the researcher attended the groundbreaking ceremony for TH International Hospital in Vietnam, where MOA signing ceremony between Keio University Hospital and TH International Hospital was also taken place. The researcher also attended MS meeting in Taiwan to give a lecture regarding progressive MS. In November 2019, the researcher attended Pan-Asian Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (PACTRIMS) held in Singapore, and as a member of central committee of PACTRIMS, the researcher discussed with representative colleagues within the Asia and also gave a presentation on the research. In the same month, the researcher also attended the Indian MS meeting to give a keynote lecture on MS treatment. In January 2020, the researcher welcomed international colleagues from east Asia to hold an international MS symposium.
On the other hand, a meeting scheduled in August 2019 in China (Hong Kong) was once postponed to March 2020, but then cancelled due to the novel corona virus (COVID-19). Similarly, a meeting in Taiwan planned in March 2020 was cancelled accordingly.
While some activities were not carried out due to social situations, the network of neurologist in the field of neuro-immunology, particularly in MS field, has been greatly strengthened by the project. Further activities may ultimately lead to the Asian platform for clinical development in the field.