At Super-Kamiokande, we are trying to observe neutrinos accumulated in supernova explosions from the early universe using gadolinium sulfate dissolved in water. Although the dissolution of gadolinium sulphate has not been reached this year, we conducted a study on the background and detected light intensity, which are important for neutrino detection.
As a background, radioactive radon in water has been an obstacle to detect low energy neutrino events. Regarding radon emission, we investigated the materials used for photodetectors. As a result, emission was confirmed not from the photodetector itself but from the surrounding material.
Dissolution of gadolinium sulphate aims to capture neutrons to distinguish anti-neutrinos from neutrinos. It is expected that neutrino discrimination will be possible in a future water Cherenkov detector with high photo-detection efficiency. Therefore, we tried to change the shape of the acrylic cover attached to the front surface of the photodetector from circular to square so that the light acceptance is maximized, while a wavelength shifting material is doped to increase the amount of detected light in the sensitivity wavelength region of the photodetector. A prototype was prepared for the evaluation.
For this evaluation, water was placed in an ultraviolet light transparent acrylic vessel. Cosmic ray counters were placed above and below the water so that cosmic rays could pass through, and Cherenkov light from water hit the acrylic cover with the wavelength shifting material. It was estimated in air by measuring the light amount detected by the photodetector equipped with that acrylic cover. As a result, the light diverged in all directions by the wavelength shifter, and it did not reach the photodetector well and was halved. This time, the wavelength shifter was mixed on the entire surface, but it is necessary to focus on only the surroundings, not the front surface of the photodetector, to increase the light intensity.