In corporate governance reform, it is an important topic that the improvement of expertise as asset owners of corporate pensions contributes to the asset formation of employees, who are the ultimate beneficiaries and stakeholders of the mother company, and leads to the enhancement of the medium- and long-term value of the company and shareholder value. On the other hand, in view of the characteristics of corporate pensions from the perspective of the basic framework of corporate governance, it is also an issue that should be carefully discussed in full consideration of the potential conflicts of interest that may arise between the mother company and the beneficiaries of the corporate pension.
This study attempts to highlight the relation between corporate pensions and corporate governance through a review of domestic and international research trends on the impact of the financial decisions of the mother company on corporate pension policies, as well empirical studies using retirement benefit (corporate pensions) -related data from Japanese listed companies.
Specifically, using data from Japanese firms after the introduction of the accounting standard for retirement benefits (corporate pensions), this study examines whether there is evidence of a substantial risk shift from shareholders to employees by examining the relationship between the expected return on plan assets and the stock price of the parent firm. This study finds that the firms that set an aggressive expected return on investment have higher market value book value multiples. Furthermore, This study finds that such a relationship is driven by a group of firms in which the level of corporate pension funding is relatively tight and the profitability of the mother firm is relatively low.
In addition, the analysis focusing on the shareholder composition of the sponsoring company confirms that the effect of the increase in shareholder value due to such risk shifting is greatly attenuated in the group of companies with high shareholding ratios of foreign and institutional investors. The results are interesting because they suggest that the degree of governance towards the sponsoring firm may also influence the incentives for risk shifting over corporate pension policy. In other words, in firms with poor governance to the sponsoring firm and concerns about under-investment, the relative value of risk shifting from shareholders to employees through the setting of expected return on investment, which is under management's discretion, is high, and there are concerns about the potential to "excessively" benefit existing shareholders.