This study examined to what extent uniformity of accounting rule can be achieved and what factors could prevent complete uniformity, overviewing the process of joint project on lease accounting standards by the U.S. Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).
First, we focused on the concept of right-of-use assets and examined why it is accepted under the new standard. Property rights in the Anglo-Saxson jurisdiction have been considered to be divided by time and shared by multiple rights holders. Therefore, it seems that there was no resistance in recognizing a right-of-use asset by a lessee who is not its owner. However, in other jurisdiction, rights arising from operating leases were not recognized on lessees' balance sheet because they were regarded as executory contracts. In order for IFRS to be accepted globally as a single set of accounting standards, it needed a new logic that supports recognition of the right arising from operating leases. Then, focusing on "control" which is the core concept of the definition of an asset, they embodied the conditions for "right to control the use of the asset" in order to discriminate rights arising from the other executory contracts.
On the other hand, we hypothesized the reason why FASB and IASB selected different treatment for cost measurement is due to the peculiarity of the U.S. real estate leasing system.
Through this research, we have two findings. First, we showed that assets and liabilities recognized on the balance sheet can be internationally standardized by modifying the concept of legal rights and obligations to suit the purpose of accounting. Second, we found a factor that determines the substance in the "substance over form principle", which is often emphasized on accounting standards setting.