研究課題を遂行するため、事前の事業計画通り、本年度は二度の史料調査と、複数の研究報告を行った。まず夏季休暇を利用して、7月下旬からおよそ一月かけて南米ボリビアで史料調査を行った。調査したのはラ・パスのラ・パス文書館、そしてスクレのボリビア国立文書館である。スクレでは、小泉基金のご支援のもと、学会発表も行った。その後ペルーのクスコを訪れ、学術雑誌revista Andinaの出版イベントに出席し、植民地期先住民社会の集合的アイデンティティ形成に関する報告を行った。これは、本研究プロジェクトの最初の成果といえる。
According to the initial research plan that I had presented, in order to fulfill my research project, I made two research trips and several presentations. First, during the summer vacation, from late july to the end of august, I made a research trip to Bolivia. I visited The Archivo de La Paz in La Paz and the Archivo Nacional de Bolivia in Sucre. In Scure, with the aid of Koizumi Fund, I organized a symposium too. Then I moved to Cuzco, Peru and participated in the book presentation of the historical journal Revista Andina. There I gave a talk on the collective identity of the indigenous elites in the colonial Peru, which is the first fruit of this project.
During the second semester I tackled the historical documents that I had collected in Bolivia. Then in march I made a second research trip. First I visited Austin, Texas in order to present my paper "Reexamining ethnic and political border in the colonial southern Andes: the case of Pacajes and Omasuyo provinces" in the 67th Annual Meeting of SECOLAS (Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies). During the meeting I enjoyed many conversations over the topic, which is the second and the biggest fruit of this project.
After the meeting I visited again Bolivia in order to continue archival research and field work, but since then my plan was forced to be changed a lot because of the COVID-19. Specifically, my archival research was possible only for three days and my planned field work in Pucarani region was cancelled. But I got to know a Bolivian topographer who was accidentally staying at the same hostel, and while we were suffering lock down in La Paz city, I could learn a lot from him. Though it was a happening totally out of my original plan, it enriched a lot my scope on this research project.
On the whole, in spite of the troubles caused by COVID-19, I think my project bore more results than I had expected at first. Keeping reading the primary sources, next I'd like to fulfill the field work in the Pucarani region.