本年度は,ガソリン市場に関する理論モデルを構築することで元売統合の効果を検討した。具体的には,各SSが特定の元売会社からのみガソリンを仕入れ,元売会社がSS間で価格差別を行うことができる状況下では,元売統合による競争の変化は地域市場ごとに異なることを示した。この理論的な結果を検証すべく,2018年度までに購入したSSごとのガソリン小売価格データを使い, JXと東燃ゼネラルの統合(2017年4月)前後におけるガソリン価格の変化について分析を行っているところである。これまでに実施した回帰分析からは,JX系列と東燃ゼネラル系列のSSが併存する地域では,そうでない地域と比べ,2016年3月から2018年3月にかけての価格上昇幅が有意に高いという結果が得られており,理論的な結果と整合的である。理論モデルと計量経済モデルの精緻化を行った上で,学術論文としてまとめる予定である。
The objective of this research project is to assess the validity of economic models and methods used by competition authorities during merger review. This is done by conducting an ex post evaluation of a merger between major Japanese petroleum companies that was approved by the Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) in December 2016. In its review, the JFTC defined the geographic scope of the gasoline market to be the entire country, and noted that competition occurs horizontally at the refinery level between the major oil companies. Based on this definition of the relevant market, the JFTC approved the merger conditional on certain import-promoting measures.
My research is motivated by doubts about whether the economic model used by the JFTC for its decision-making accurately represented the gasoline market. In particular, I was concerned that, by ignoring the competition between oil companies at the local retail level, the JFTC may not have been able to correctly predict the effect of the mergers. To address this question, I am constructing a theoretical model of the gasoline market and conducting an empirical analysis of the effect that one of the mergers had on retail gasoline prices.
During the current year, I evaluated the effect of a refinery merger by constructing a model of the gasoline market in which each gas station procures gasoline from a single refinery, and refineries price discriminate among gas stations. I have been able to show that, under these conditions, the effect of a refinery merger can vary substantially across local retail markets. To examine this result empirically, I am conducting econometric analysis of the merger between JX and Tonen General (which took place in April 2017), using data on retail gasoline prices which I obtained in 2018. Preliminary regression results strongly suggest that gasoline prices increased by a greater amount between March 2016 and March 2018 in regions where JX and Tonen General competed, relative to other regions, confirming the theoretical prediction. I am currently refining the theoretical model as well as the econometric model, after which the results will be organized into an academic article.