フロースパインと接触構造の対応に関する研究を行った.前年度までの研究では対応を与える写像がwell-definedであること,および写像の全射性についての証明を与えた.今年度はその証明の詳細を加筆する作業を行うと同時に,頂点数が3以下の正フロースパインについて,対応する接触構造を決定した.得られた結果は論文として,アーカイブで公開している(arXiv:1912.05774 [math.GT]).証明では,まずabaloneが3次元球面の標準的接触構造に対応することを示した後,コイル手術や分岐被覆を駆使して,他の正フロースパインの接触構造を決定していく.特に,ザイフェルト束の構造が重要な役割を果たす.また,フロースパイン上のS-安定葉層に関する論文も執筆した(arXiv:2002.09081 [math.GT]).
関連する話題として,多面体および結び目の研究を行った.多面体については,A'Campoによるdivideという概念とTuraevによるshadowとの関係を明確にすることで,Milnor束の多面体による解釈を与えた.この結果は論文としてまとめ,国際研究集会の報告集に掲載予定である[M. Ishikawa, H. Naoe: Milnor fibration, A'Campo's divide and Turaev's shadow, Proceedings of FJV2017 Kagoshima: "Singularities --- Kagoshima"].
結び目の研究においては,交代結び目の本質的曲面のスロープについて,交点数よりもスロープの分布幅が十分大きくなる交代結び目の列が存在することを証明した.この結果も論文にまとめ,アーカイブで公開している(arXiv:1911.08562 [math.GT]).
In this year, we continued the study of the correspondence between flow-spines and contact structures. In previous study, we proved that there exists a surjection from the set of positive flow-spines to the set of contact 3-manifolds up to contactomorphism. In this year, we added detailed proofs to this result and also determined the contact structures corresponding to the positive flow-spines with up to 3 vertices. The obtained results had been put on the arXiv as a paper (arXiv: 1912.05774 [math.GT]). To determine the contact 3-manifolds, we first prove that the positive abalone corresponds to the standard contact structure on the 3-sphere. Then we use coil-surgeries and branched covering techniques to determine the contact structures of the other positive flow-spines. In the proof, Seifert fibration plays an important role. We also wrote a paper concerning S-stable foliations on flow-spines (arXiv:2002.09081 [math.GT]).
We also studied relation between A'Campo's divide and Turaev's shadow, and gave a polyhedral interpretation of Milnor fibrations. This result will appear in the proceedings of an international conference as a paper [M. Ishikawa, H. Naoe: Milnor fibration, A'Campo's divide and Turaev's shadow, Proceedings of FJV2017 Kagoshima: "Singularities --- Kagoshima"].
In the study of knots, we studied the ratio between the diameters of boundary slopes and the crossing numbers and prove that there exists a sequence of alternating knots with sufficiently large ratios. This result had been put on the arXiv as a paper (arXiv: 1911.08562 [math.GT]).
We are now studying relation between the positive abalone and the Hopf fibration in order to start the study of relation between flow-spines and dynamics of Reeb flows.