The purpose of this research project is to analyze data by applying data science techniques and to propose specific solutions to management issues, then to establish a methodology for analyzing similar datasets.
This year, we continued and developed the themes we have been pursuing in the past years. Specifically, using the price and various attribute information on products of a specific genre in online shopping malls, we extracted price formation factors and evaluated brand values, or by conducting text analysis of word-of-mouth posts on online travel sites, we analysed the differences between service providers' intention and consumers' perception of the identical services.
First, we considered a hierarchical Bayes modeling approach to model price valuation and investigated the proposed method of evaluating the brand values of the manufacturers of products from their traded prices in a data-driven manner. We actually applied the method to the transaction data of a major domestic second-hand clothing website and evaluated the values of fashion brands.
Next, the same approach was applied to the domestic second-hand PC market, and empirical analysis was performed. The characteristics of the domestic used market were empirically demonstrated by evaluating the impact of used PC's CPU speed, memory capacity, storage device capacity, and other specifications on the traded price. We also evaluated the brand values of the PC manufacturers.
Furthermore, we investigated and analyzed factors contributing to price formation for Japanese wines using data from a domestic major online shopping mall specializing in wines.
In the meantime, we conducted a destination analysis using review data of Chinese tourists on Japan travel on a major Chinese tourists' website. A topic model was used to evaluate the gaps between the topics extracted from tourist guides and those from tourists' reviews regarding popular tourist spots in Kyoto, and considered potential proposals for improvements in the tourism industry as well as the local governments.
The results on the second-hand clothing market were presented at the 2019 Japan Society for Management Information Spring Meeting.