本申請研究の事業計画の2年目の目標である「CPG 予定細胞をマニピュレーションにより単離し、RNAseq によりCPG 細胞特異的遺伝子発現プロファイルを得る。」をほぼ達成した。
尾芽胚初期から尾芽胚後期までにおいて5対の運動神経細胞のうちA10.64細胞のみが70秒間隔のCa2+振動を示すこと、このCa2+振動は尾部の筋肉Ca2+と同期するようになること(ホヤ国際学会)から、尾芽胚期においてA10.64細胞がCa2+振動することが遊泳運動を引き起こす引き金となると考えられた。しかし、本Ca2+振動の分子機構は全く未知である。そのため、予備実験ではターゲットを絞ったアプローチではなく、1細胞由来の転写物を網羅的に同定可能な、single-cellRNAseq解析を試みた。そのためには、ホヤ尾芽胚を構成する約1600個の細胞の中からCa2+振動を示す細胞を単離する必要があるが、初期尾芽胚ではCa2+の濃度上昇がみられるのはこのCa2+振動細胞のみである(Akahoshi et al., 2017)。そこで、申請者はGCaMP6 mRNAを導入した初期尾芽胚を酵素処理により細胞ごとにバラバラにし、Ca2+動態を計測しながら、Ca2+振動する細胞を探索した。その結果、数十秒周期でCa2+振動しつづける細胞を単離することに成功した。このことは、ホヤCa2+振動細胞は細胞間の相互作用なしに細胞自律的にCa2+振動可能であることを意味する(動物学会、分子生物学会)。
The second year goal of the project plan of this application research is to "Isolate CPG-scheduled cells by manipulation and obtain CPG cell-specific gene expression profile by RNAseq.". This goal was successfully almost achieved.
Only the cell lineage A10.64 cells out of the five pairs of motor neurons show Ca2 + oscillations at 70-second intervals from the early stage of the tailbud embryo to the late stage of the tailbud embryo. Therefore, it was suggested that Ca2 + oscillations of A10.64 cells in the tailbud embryo stage would trigger swimming movement. However, the molecular mechanism of how this cell exert Ca2 + oscillation is completely unknown. For this reason, in preliminary experiments, single-cell RNAseq analysis was attempted, which is not a targeted approach but can comprehensively identify transcripts derived from one cell. For that purpose, it is necessary to isolate Ca2 + oscillation cells from about 1600 cells constituting the tailbud embry (Akahoshi et al., 2017). Accordingly, the applicant searched the cells that vibrated Ca2 + while measuring the Ca2 + dynamics while separating the initial tailbud embryos into which the GCaMP6 mRNA had been injected by enzymatic treatment. As a result, we succeeded in isolating cells that continued to oscillate Ca2 + in tens of seconds. This means that ascidian Ca2 + -oscillating cells are capable of cell-autonomously Ca2 + -oscillating without cell-cell interaction (Animal Society 2019). About 60 million reads per gene of gene expression information derived from the isolated Ca 2+ oscillatory cells were obtained using illuminaNovaSeq (N = 5 cells and Ca 2+ non-oscillating control cells N = 2, 7 cells in total). A list of genes showing significant differences between Ca2 + oscillatory cells and negative control cells. The differentially expressed Top10 contained candidate genes including membrane voltage-gated channels and ER transport proteins that are thought to be responsible for Ca2 + oscillation. Preparations for knockdown experiments are underway to confirm that these candidate genes are actually responsible for the Ca2 + oscillation.