本研究は、これまで最適性理論の枠組みで研究してきた「パラダイムの統一性 (Paradigm Uniformity: PU)」の概念を、日本語語彙層ごとに現れる音韻現象について検証し、理論をさらに精緻化すると共に、外国語として日本語を学ぶ海外の大学生にとって障壁となってきた日本語の現象が理論の応用により改善できるかを追求した研究である。
次に、米国オレゴン州ウィラメット大の藤原美保教授の協力を得て、同大学の日本語の授業においてPUの概念について説明を与えた学生群と統制群の理解度の違いについて調査した。その成果を「敬語接頭辞「お・ご」のパラダイムに基づく分析と言語教育への応用」として、2019年8月7日にカナダ・ビクトリア大学で行われたカナダ日本語教育学会の年次大会で発表した。また、そこで得られた助言や議論をもとにさらに研究を進め、同大会の予稿集に論文として出版した。藤原教授とは、その学会の前後にブリティッシュコロンビア大学 にて研究打ち合わせ及び資料収集を行った。そのため、当初予定していたオレゴン州での打ち合わせは行わなかった。
I have investigated how phonological paradigm uniformity (PU), a theory to account for the leveling of morphological forms, could account for the dilemma observed in Japanese phonological sub-lexica in this research, and tried to solve the difficulty of teaching the distinction of honorific prefixes "o" and "go" to the students who study Japanese as a second language. This research was pursued based on my previous research on Paradigm Uniformity in Phonology within the framework of Optimality Theory.
First, in the US and Canada as well as in Japan, I collected linguistic data related to PU not only in Japanese but also in various languages, and in several linguistic categories as well as in phonology.
Secondly, I applied the theory of PU into the field of foreign language teaching. By studying with Prof. Miho Fujiwara who is a professor at Department of Japanese in Willamette University, Oregon, I observed the difference between the group of the students' understanding of Japanese honorific prefixes "o" and "go" who were given the explanation of PU and the control group who were not given the explanation. Prof. Fujiwara and I made a presentation of our paper 「敬語接頭辞「お・ご」のパラダイムに基づく分析と言語教育への応用」in the annual Conference of Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education (CAJLE) held at University of Victoria in Canada on August 7th, 2019, and we wrote a paper based on the discussion in the conference published in September 2019 in the proceedings of CAJLE. Before and after the conference, Prof. Fujiwara and I discussed the relation between linguistic PU and foreign language teaching, and collected further data at University of British Columbia in Vancouver.
Thirdly, I received the invaluable suggestions and comments on my research on phonological PU by Prof. Mafuyu Kitahara at Sophia University, and by Prof. Viola Miglio at University of California, Santa Barbara, and Prof. Patricia Hironymous at Glandale Community College. I exchanged e-mail messages with Prof. Miglio and Prof. Hyronymous while I was in Japan first, and I had a meeting with them in Phoenix, Arizona in August before I went to Canada for the CAJLE conference. I wrote a paper 「音韻的語彙層に潜む文法要素のインターフェース」with Prof. Kitahara, which was published in the book『言語におけるインターフェース』published in November, 2019.
Fourthly, I have analyzed additional linguistic data to prepare for another paper with more extensive analysis of PU phenomena.
For my future research, I will investigate Japanese phonological sub-lexica from the viewpoint of PU in more detail, and apply the research into the field of second language acquisition.