The advance of colonialism, concomitant with industrial development, such as railway and coal industry, and increase in wood consumption due to population growth, contributed to the accelerated exploitation of forests. From fears of deforestation, the colonial authorities, centering on the forestry bureaus, developed a forest management system from the end of the nineteenth century through the early twentieth century.
Mainstays of the forestry policies was the permit system for protected forests and the systematic logging in reserved forests, with the protected forests, which made up most of the forests, producing large quantities of fuel and construction materials, also including illegal logging. The forestry bureaus gradually increased the proportion of "reserved forests" and sought to realize a sustainable timber supply through strict management, but budget deficits and manpower shortages made sure that the proportion was not more than 9.1% toward the end of the colonial period, which were number far from the targets. The systematic logging in the reserved forests was shunned by many woodcutters because of the cumbersome procedures and numerous obligations, and it is difficult to consider the forestry bureaus' plan as successful as it involved rational and systematic logging with the participation of companies and other large-scale actors. Local residents were generally excluded from the reserved forests and use for their livelihoods restricted, but "communal reserves" were established for the residents in some areas, as a way to involved villages in the systematic logging. Yet this meant granting logging rights to only a small number of residents, which caused discord and friction inside the villages.
There was friction between these various agents making use of the forest and the forestry bureaus over the forest management. One the one hand, the forestry bureaus sought to encourage companies to take part in the systematic logging, but on the other, they were wary of the companies and settlers who were trying to expand their economic activities through large-scale use of forest resources. This was because they feared that it could threaten small-scale industries in regional society and residents' usufructuary rights, thereby causing social discord. The companies were very opposed to this stance assumed by the forestry bureaus, and would sometimes appeal directly to the Government-General or the Ministry of the Colonies in France. They would criticize the forestry bureaus' management methods not only for obstructing corporate activities, but also for being meaningless in that techniques developed in France were applied to a completely different environment.