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Last updated |
:Dec 16, 2022 |
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本文公開日 |
タイトル |
タイトル |
カナ |
シュウ キンペイ ジダイ ノ チュウゴク シュウキョウ セイサク ト チュウゴク キリスト キョウカイ カラ ミル「コッカ-シャカイ」カンケイ
ローマ字 |
Shū Kinpei jidai no Chūgoku shūkyō seisaku to Chūgoku Kirisuto kyōkai kara miru "kokka-shakai" kankei
別タイトル |
名前 |
Chinese religion policy in Xi Jinping era and the state-society relationship from the viewpoint on Chinese Christianity church.
カナ |
ローマ字 |
著者 |
名前 |
田島, 英一
カナ |
タジマ, エイイチ
ローマ字 |
Tajima, Eiichi
所属 |
所属(翻訳) |
役割 |
Research team head
外部リンク |
版 |
出版地 |
出版者 |
名前 |
カナ |
ケイオウ ギジュク ダイガク
ローマ字 |
Keiō gijuku daigaku
日付 |
出版年(from:yyyy) |
出版年(to:yyyy) |
作成日(yyyy-mm-dd) |
更新日(yyyy-mm-dd) |
記録日(yyyy-mm-dd) |
形態 |
上位タイトル |
名前 |
翻訳 |
巻 |
号 |
年 |
月 |
開始ページ |
終了ページ |
医中誌ID |
その他ID |
博士論文情報 |
学位授与番号 |
学位授与年月日 |
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抄録 |
In the last 1 year, I mainly focused on the analysis of data and writing activities in Japan, because of the limit of budget and the outbreak of corona virus. I have gotten valuable data through the interview with Prof.Wang Aiming, who is a famous professor of the Nanjing Union Theological Seminary and stays in Meijigakuin University now. Especially the information on theological positions of Chinese churches and the relationship between foreign churches and Chinese churches is very important for my work. I am writing a book in which I summarize my investigation in the last over 10 years, until now on I have written about 450 thousands characters = about 80%. I have published some works improving some parts of the book. Foe example, I analyzed the influence on Sino-US relationship which had been born by Chinese government's oppression on Christian church in the paper "The Management Policy against Domestic Christianity and Foreign Policy of Xi Jinping Administration" (Toa No.623, 2019). And the paper "Coexistence and Public Religions from the Viewpoint of Christian Ethics."(Horitsu Bunka Press, 2020) reviewed the discussions between liberalists and communitarians, reconsidered the meaning of coexistence from the viewpoint of public theology and public religions.
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