2.Gaël Besson(エックス=マルセイユ大学・法学博士)「司法消極主義のアプローチ」
3.Simon Serverin(神奈川大学)「樋口陽一とデュルケームにおける個人の像とそれを比較する意味―個人と共和主義を繋ぐ『道徳』を手掛かりに」
1.申惠丰(青山学院大学)「フランスの裁判所による条約適合性審査(contrôle de conventionnalité)」
This research project focused on France, a country that faces a series of serious problems resulting from globalization and difficulties relating to social integration. We adopted a theoretical approach, historical approach, and a case-based approach in relation to the development of contemporary French constitutionalism to analyze our themes.
Specifically, with respect to the theoretical approach, we held discussions on 5 papers as follows:
1. "Japanese legal doctrine and "science of law"" (Ryo Ogawa, The University of Tokyo)
2. "On judicial prudence" (Gaël Besson, Aix Marseille University)
3. "Comparison of notion of "Individual" between Emile Durkheim and Yoichi Higuchi (Simon Serverin, Kanagawa University)
4. "Does the state exist only as "person"" (Yusuke Ono, Keio University)
5. "French public law and the state" (Shu Haruyama)
In relation to the historical approach, we had discussions on 2 papers as follows:
1. "Formation and development of ministerial responsibility in the early period of the French revolution" (Keisuke Mikami, Nanzan University)
2. "French republicanism and "Demonstration"" (Misato Tanaka, Hitotsubashi University)
For the case-based approach, we had discussions on 7 papers as follows:
1. "Judicial review of treaties by French courts" (Shin Hae Bong, Aoyama Gakuin University)
2. "Judicial policy towards "European Integration" of the Constitutional Council" (Yoichi Ito, The University of Tokyo)
3. "French 5th Republic and Constitutional Council" (Keisuke Mikami, Nanzan University)
4. "Access from civil society to Constitutional Council" (Takeshi Inoue, Kyushu University)
5. "Role and problems of Public broadcast in France" (Masahiro Sogabe)
6. "Autonomy of experts in French university" (Goro Horiguchi, Kyushu Sangyo University)
7. "French bioethics law" (Guillaume Rousset, Lyon III University)
Through the papers and the discussions that followed, we verified that: (1) With respect to the theoretical foundation of French constitutionalism, there are still many problems to be clarified; (2) Historically, the importance of French republicanism should be emphasized; and (3) For contemporary development, constitutional regulations on relations between state and civil society should be examined carefully.