学生はウェブブラウザでオンラインIDEにログインし、HTML, CSS, JavaScriptファイルの作成を行う。オンラインIDEは、学生が作ったプログラムの構文解析と自動生成されたテストケースによる動作テストを行ない、シンタックスエラーの有無、テスト結果、実行回数、所要時間などのデータを収集する。教員支援システムは、収集されたデータを元に、学生がどのような状況であるかの分類を行う。分類結果は、一覧表や座席表の形で教員に提供され、教員はそれによって必要と思われる学生に対して助言を行う。
In a class of programming exercises, some students positively ask questions while some do not even if they cannot complete the assignments. Therefore, we have made an online IDE and a teacher support system in order to let teachers give advice to students with low level of understanding.
Students login to the online IDE via web browsers and write HTML, CSS and JavaScript files. The online IDE parses students' programs and tests them with automatically generated test cases. It collects data such as existence of syntax errors, test results, number of excutions and elapsed time. The teacher support system classifies states of students depending on the collected data. It provides the classification to teachers in the form of lists or seating charts, and teachers give advice to students who may need help.
In 2017, we developed a prototype system, which was used in several lectures. As a result, we noticed problems such as: students got confused with unnecessary error messages; accuracy of detecting students who need help is low. In this year, we tried to solve these problems but it was too difficult to get clearly positive improvement. In addition, a plan to revise the curriculum was formulated where course materials would be drastically changed. Therefore, we decided it was unappropriate to rewrite the materials adapting to the online IDE and teacher assistant system at this stage, thus introducing the system to all classes were postponed.