Even though leprosy (Hansen's disease) ceased to be incurable disease since the discovery of the sulfone drugs in 1940's, only Japanese government among all the other countries continued to adopt the compulsory segregation policy for this disease until the 1990's. Moreover, as a consequence of the the Kumamoto district court decision made in 2001 pointing out the crucial errors residing in this government's policy, the dichotomy between the 'State" = assailant and the "patients" = the victims seems to have been established in the way of understanding this case. However, the reason why the doctors, initially having the good will to cure the patients, had inversely found themselves to be in the position of assailants cannot be explained by the simple Manichean dualism of good and evil.
Although working under the direction of Dr. Kensuke Mitsuda, the promoter of this compulsory segregation policy, Dr. Mieko Kamiya not only devoted her life for the patients, but also helped them to find the reasons to positively appreciate their lives. That is how she became to be endeared by her patients. Despite this fact, and independently of her intention, however, she followed the State's policy without having any doubt on it, and it was only under this limitation in mind that she struggled with the question of the social existence of the patients.
If we look at her standpoint in contrast with that of Dr. Susumu Tokunaga in his youth, we come to recognize the crucial lack of imagination in "good willed" Kamiya : the imagination to critically consider and even relativize her own standpoint as a "doctor" whose public status is certified, protected, and also constrained by the State's power, so as to propose the alternative to its policy.
As regards the issue of "Euthanasia," or "death with dignity," the tension between the logic of autonomy to choose the moment of one's own death and the social oppression wanting to eliminate the useless "lives" is often put into focus. Whichever position taken, in fact, there would be no clear solution to it.
Facing the same problem, but with regard to the case of terminal care, Nonohana Clinic (in Tottori prefecture) is about to introduce "the open dialogue," the idea based on the negative capability: without expecting the definite solution, the relatives as well as the persons engaged in medical services get together to let themselves speak freely in the purpose of facing the each singular cases as carefully as possible. This method require enough time to create the atmosphere in which each participant feel himself or herself sure and responsible. Despite many difficulties for the practical application, this method should have the potential to bring us a new perspective without falling into the persistent dichotomy between good and evil. This is exactly the point that we try to further scrutinize for our future project.