Klebsiella pneumoniaeの内、腸内に定着しTH1細胞を強く活性化する株である40B3株とTH1細胞の活性化にはほとんど影響を与えないKCTC2242株のDNAを精製しゲノムシークエンスを行った。アノテーションツールであるthe Prokaryotic Genome Annotation System (Prokka)を用いてゲノムアノテーションを行い、予測された遺伝子のアミノ酸配列を比較することにより遺伝子の有無を解析した。その結果、40B3株特異的に保有している遺伝子として229個の遺伝子を同定した。しかしながら、その多くが機能未知の遺伝子であり、遺伝子名からTH1誘導に関与する遺伝子の探索は難しいことが判明した。そこで1遺伝子ではなく、複数の遺伝子が含まれる8kb以上の領域に違いがないかを解析した。その結果、40B3株が保有しKCTC2242株が保有していない領域として、3つの領域(A, B, C)が見つかった。その一つ領域Aは8,631bpがKCTC2242株で欠損しており、D-alanyl-D-alanine-carboxypeptidaseやD-alanine--D-alanine ligase Aなど細胞壁ペプチドグリカンの構成に必要なタンパク質をコードしている遺伝子が含まれていた。このことから、ペプチドグリカンの構成が40B3株とKCTC2242株で異なっている可能性が示唆された。実際にこれまでの解析においてKlebsiellaによるTH1細胞の活性化はToll-like receptor (TLR)依存的であるという結果が得られているため、ペプチドグリカンの違いがTH1誘導の違いにつながっている可能性が高いと考えられた。
Previously, I have identified that intestinal TH1 cells were activated by Klebsiella pneumoniae strain 40B3, but not strain KCTC2242 when they colonized intestine. This year I have sequenced the whole genome of these strains on the PacBio platform and annotated genes and quantified them using the Prokaryotic Genome Annotation System (Prokka) pipeline. There are 299 genes that are only detected in 40B3 strain. It is difficult to identify the genes responsible for TH1 induction, because almost all 40B3-specific genes code for proteins of unknown function or are classified as hypothetical proteins. Then I have searched large regions longer than 8 kbp and identified three large regions (A, B and C) that are present in 40B3 strain but absent in KCTC2242 strain. Among three regions, region A consists in 8,631bp and encodes 10 genes including D-alanyl-D-alanine-carboxypeptidase and D-alanine--D-alanine ligase A. These gene products play a key role in the biosynthesis of bacterial cell-wall peptidoglycan, a TLR2 ligand. Therefore, I thought that there are some differences in cell-wall peptidoglycan between 40B3 and KCTC2242 strain.
To check whether region A is responsible for TH1 induction, I have generated region A deletion strain of 40B3 and insertion mutant of KCTC2242 using homologous recombination. Germ-free mice were orally inoculated with these mutant strains. After 3 weeks, I analyzed the percentage of TH1 cells in colonic lamina propria of the mice monocolonized with these mutant strains. 40B3 deletion strain showed slightly lower TH1 inducing ability as compared with 40B3 WT strain. On the other hand, KCTC2242 insertion mutant showed significant enhance TH1 inducing ability as compared with KCTC2242 WT strain but their ability was not as strong as 40B3 WT strain.
These data suggest that other regions/genes of Klebsiella may be essential for TH1 induction although region A contains the genes which play a little role in activating TH1 cells. We need to perform a deep comparison of their genome sequences.