解析の結果、完全軌道追跡モデルにおいて、プラズマのスパッタリングにより発生したタングステン不純物が電離後最初の旋回運動で即座に壁に堆積する現象が確認された。このような現象はprompt re-depositionと呼ばれ、従来から指摘されており理論モデルも提案されていた。しかし、完全軌道追跡モデルと旋回中心近似モデルの比較から、理論モデルでは考慮が難しい多価電離過程や背景プラズマとの摩擦力、シースと呼ばれる壁近傍の電場構造の影響が重要であることが分かった。
In future fusion reactors, the tungsten is the most candidate material for the inner wall because of the high melting temperature, the low erosion rate, the low fuel (tritium) retention etc. The inner wall is sputtered by the fuel plasma, and then it becomes the impurity. The radiation of the tungsten impurity may cool the core plasma strongly even if small amount of the tungsten impurity penetrates into the core. Therefore, understanding the tungsten impurity transport process is one of essential issues for the practical application of the fusion energy. Effects of the Larmor gyro-motion may become important for the tungsten transport because the mass and the Larmor radius is large compared with other impurity species, such as carbon, neon, argon etc. In this study, effects of the Larmor gyro-motion on the tungsten impurity transport have been analyzed by numerical simulation using two models: (a) a guiding center approximation and (b) full trace of the impurity trajectory including the Larmor gyro-motion.
Near the wall, it was observed in the full trace model that the generated tungsten is promptly deposited during the first gyro-motion after the ionization (so-called prompt re-deposition). Comparison of the results by both models showed that the multi-step ionization and the Coulomb collision with the background plasma play an important role for the prompt re-deposition.
In the boundary plasma, the result of the full trace model showed that the tungsten impurity penetrates by the magnetic drift and the diffusion due to the Coulomb collision with the background plasma.