本研究は、アメリカのRochester Institute of Technology (RIT)の教員との国際比較調査で、視覚情報、とくに消費者の購入意思決定を大きく左右するといわれているレビューを構成する視覚情報に関して、普遍的あるいは文化特有な影響力について検証するものである。
In this comparative US-Japan study, it is intended to examine the effects of visual stimuli, especially the visual cues provided on the web review screens, on consumers' decision-making processes. By conducting a cross-cultural study, we aim to find some universal and/or culture-specific reactions of review users toward given visual stimuli, such as layout and quality of restaurant photos, rating distribution, etc.
Data were collected in the U.S. and Japan in 2018 (college students). In the Japan Study, 36 participants' data were collected by Tobii X2-60 Eye Tracker. Based the data analyses, some Japanese-specific tendencies were found. Japanese participants were more attentive to the photo information, judging the quality of the restaurants from the photos of the restaurants or table-settings. It suggests that Japanese participants are more sensitive to the holistic visual information than the U.S. counterparts. This finding is congruent with the previous findings of Asian-Westerners comparative studies. By analyzing the interview and questionnaire data collected after the eye-tracking experiments, specific nature of visual stimuli will be further examined for effective presentation of reviews in the U.S. and Japan.