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本文公開日 |
タイトル |
タイトル |
カナ |
レキシ セイタイガク ト レキシ ジンルイガク ノ セツゴウ ニ ヨル ミナミタイヘイヨウ ノ シマ ケイカンシ
ローマ字 |
Rekishi seitaigaku to rekishi jinruigaku no setsugō ni yoru Minamitaiheiyō no shima keikanshi
別タイトル |
名前 |
Islandscape' histories in Oceania from a combined perspective of historical ecology with historical anthropology
カナ |
ローマ字 |
著者 |
名前 |
山口, 徹
カナ |
ヤマグチ, トオル
ローマ字 |
Yamaguchi, Toru
所属 |
所属(翻訳) |
役割 |
Research team head
外部リンク |
版 |
出版地 |
出版者 |
名前 |
カナ |
ケイオウ ギジュク ダイガク
ローマ字 |
Keiō gijuku daigaku
日付 |
出版年(from:yyyy) |
出版年(to:yyyy) |
作成日(yyyy-mm-dd) |
更新日(yyyy-mm-dd) |
記録日(yyyy-mm-dd) |
形態 |
上位タイトル |
名前 |
翻訳 |
巻 |
号 |
年 |
月 |
開始ページ |
終了ページ |
医中誌ID |
その他ID |
博士論文情報 |
学位授与番号 |
学位授与年月日 |
学位名 |
学位授与機関 |
抄録 |
This research project aims at geoarchaelogically elucidating landscape histories of Oceanic islands from the combined view of historical ecology with historical anthropology, and in this academic year I mainly conducted the fieldwork of Pukapuka Atoll in the Northern Cook Islands, which is located in the central Polynesia.
Low and flat atoll islets, consisting of unconsolidated sand and gravel, has a very simple ecosystem in general, but most of inhabited ones commonly have a unique artificial landscape of agricultural pits in which taro tubers such as Colocasia and Cyrtosperma are planted. Pukapuka also has more than 80 pits or plots in the islet of Wale, which can be divied in two types; small closed pits and large open pits consisting of several plots. The latter type would be transformed from natural swamps.
In the 2018 field season, I excavated the spoil bank of a small closed pit called 'Palea' and observed several black layers in the bulk of sediment. The radiocarbon dates from both upper and lower layers show the almost same age around 550-600 cal.y.BP. It is thus suggests that Palea was constructed in a short period and has experienced no large modifications since then.
This result is different from the previous findings of a large open pit, which has been sometimes reexcavated in the past. There is the possibility that the large open pits would be vulnerable against storm surge and extra tidal wave. It is the next plan of this research project to geoarchaeologically examine the difference of resilience between two types of agricultural pits and the geomorphological process of islets of Pukapuka Atoll.
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