The research results are very satisfying. During the period, two projects have been finished, which correspond to two papers, one of which was submitted to Journal of Business and Economic Statistics and the other one to be submitted to Econometrica. The first paper is in revision for Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. Several talks related to those two projects were given at the The 2nd International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta 2018) at the City University of Hong Kong, 2018 Asian meeting of the Econometric Society at Sogang University, Econometric Society Australasian Meeting at Auckland University of Technology and Mathematisches Seminar at Kiel University. Going to the conferences, I was able to exchange about ideas with many other researchers, most likely leading to future research projects. Also, I could get some feedback which really helped to improve the content of the papers. Overall, my research projects were positively affected by the possibility to present them to international conferences.