昨年度までに提案済みの確率的化学反応の設計論では,確率的に振る舞う反応系を設計するために,定常状態における平均,分散,CVなどの統計量を用いて仕様を指定し,仕様を満たす生体分子回路のパラメタを数理最適化で系統的に求めることができた.そこで本年度は,この理論を拡張することで,反応の「過渡状態」における統計量を指定して生体分子回路を新たに設計できるようにし,数値例を用いて理論の検証を行った.さらに,提案した数値最適化を研究代表者らが以前構築した生体分子時相論理回路 (Mol. Syst. Biol., 2016, 12(5), 869) の設計に応用し,提案法を用いて時相論理回路のパラメタ空間を効率的かつ体系的に探索して所望の仕様を満たす回路を設計できることを示した.
The objective of this research is to develop theoretical and experimental platforms to analyze and design the dynamics of stochastic biomolecular reactions (stochastic biomolecular circuits) by combining feedback control theory, genetic engineering and microfluidic devices. In FY 2018, which is the last year of the grant, we continued developing circuit design theory and an experimental platform and published a journal paper summarizing these results.
The design theory that we developed by last year enabled optimization-based synthesis of stochastic biomolecular circuits based on statistical specifications such as the mean, the variance and the coefficient of variation. This framework was, however, applicable only to the steady state reactions. In other words, the method could be applied only to the design of the end point statistics. In FY 2018, we extended the proposed method and enabled an optimization design of dynamic (transient) statistics. Using the proposed approach, we demonstrated systematic parameter space exploration of the temporal logic gate circuit (Mol. Syst. Biol., 2016, 12(5), 869).
We also acquired input-output responses (fluorescence output for dynamic inputs to the circuit) of biomolecular circuits using the microfluidic and droplet platforms that we developed in FY 2016 and FY 2017. Using the time-series data of the fluorescence output, we built mathematical models of multiple biomolecular circuits including AND gate and DNA thermometer. The developed model showed good agreement with the experimental data.