また、消費者間で経済的インタラクションを行うためには、健全な取引プラットフォームの整備が不可欠である。そのためには、プラットフォームのガバナンス施策、特に不正ユーザーの特定が重要となる。不正ユーザーの特定に関しては、以下の研究成果として報告・公刊された。(1)Yamamoto, Hikaru, Sugiyama, Nina, Toriumi, Fujio, Kashida, Hikaru and Yamaguchi, Takuma"Angels or Demons? Classifying Desirable Heavy Users and Undesirable Power Sellers in Online C2C Marketplace", SSRN 2018年4月、(2)山本晶、杉山仁奈、鳥海不二夫、樫田光、山口拓真「フリマアプリにおける不正ユーザーの特定」日本マーケティング・サイエンス学会第104回研究大会 2018年12月1日。
さらに、フリマアプリの登場による消費者行動の変化については、以下の論考としてまとめられた。(3)山本晶「フリマアプリが変える消費者行動」『三田評論』 (1228) 2018年12月
The aim of this research is to understand the behavior of consumers who engage in consumer-to-consumer economic exchange. The consumer-to-consumer economic exchange include behaviors such as buying and selling on services such as online auction and skill sharing services.
In 2018, the applicant conducted literature review in this field. The fruit of the work has become part of the review paper and it is currently under the first round review of an academic journal.
To grow and succeed, online consumer-to-consumer marketplaces need to increase the number of users and transactions because their main revenue is usually the transaction fee. To increase the number of users and transactions, uncertainty must be reduced and a safe and enjoyable transaction environment must be maintained. In the following paper, the applicant and her research team detected malicious users and power sellers who can harm the healthy growth of an online consumer-to-consumer platform. Using the data set of a major online consumer-to-consumer marketplace, the applicant and her team classified undesirable users by building a classification model for banned users.
Yamamoto, Hikaru, Sugiyama, Nina, Toriumi, Fujio, Kashida, Hikaru and Yamaguchi, Takuma"Angels or Demons? Classifying Desirable Heavy Users and Undesirable Power Sellers in Online C2C Marketplace", SSRN.