①昨年度、上海の復旦大学にて開かれた学会では"Mapping New Technologies of Slaughter: the Model Abattoir at Tsingtao underGerman, Japanese and Chinese Rule"という題名で口頭発表をしたが、本年度は、発表を通して得た批判や指摘をもとにドイツの公文書館でさらなる一次資料の発掘と分析を重ねた。その結果、"Making Chinese animal bodies fit for German and Japanese consumption: the exploitation of bovine resources and the processing of animal bodies through Qingdao, 1898-1930"という題名で論文を執筆した。翌年度以降に刊行予定である。
The research supported by the Development Fund has enabled research into a comparative historical project that compares and contrasts the experience of Germany and Japan as both countries transformed increasingly into meat-based societies.
One major research trip was conducted, to Berlin, in August and September. During the research trip, the investigator focused on the problems that the transportation of livestock on railroads created. He was able to unearth untapped governmental sources that would help clarify how the nature of the threat of animal diseases changed as a result of a shift from road to rail transport.
During the same research trip, more primary sources were found in relation to the processing of bovine bodies from Qingtao in China to Japan during the early twentieth century. Last year, the investigator presented a paper at Fudan University, Shangahai, entitled "Mapping New Technologies of Slaughter: the Model Abattoir at Tsingtao under German, Japanese and Chinese Rule". This year, based on newly-unearthed primary sources collected in Germany, the investigator was able to complete an article, bearing the title, "Making Chinese animal bodies fit for German and Japanese consumption: the exploitation of bovine resources and the processing of animal bodies through Qingdao, 1898-1930".