GCaMP6によるCa2+イメージング観察から振動する神経細胞であるCPG細胞はホヤの体幹部背側に位置する運動神経節であることまでわかっていた(Akahoshi et al., 2017)。この細胞系譜を明らかにするために核局在型GCaMP6sを作成しホヤ胚に導入した。その結果、初期尾芽胚期においてCa2+振動はわずか左右1対の細胞でのみ観察されたが左右の発火のタイミングは同期しておらず、また尾の筋肉興奮との同期もみられなかった。ところが、後期尾芽胚になると、CPG細胞におけるCa2+濃度上昇に伴い尾の筋肉興奮が同期して観察された。やがて左右の筋肉の興奮に相関がみられるようになった。このことから、CPG細胞がまず筋肉とは独立に周期的に興奮し、その後、尾の筋肉との神経筋接合が生じ、左右の抑制性の回路は後期尾芽胚期以降生じることが示唆された。また、CPG細胞の位置を3Dホヤ尾芽胚(Nakamura et al., 2012)と比較した結果、背側運動神経節に位置するA10.64細胞であることをつきとめた。さらにこのCPG細胞は発生が進むにつれ振動の間隔が短くなり、幼生が遊泳時に尾を振る間隔である20秒周期に漸近していくことがわかった。以上、発生段階においてリズミカルに興奮するCPG細胞が神経・筋ネットワークを構築していく様子をダイレクトに観察することに成功し、CPG細胞の細胞系譜をつきとめることができた。
赤星太一, 堀田耕司, 岡浩太郎: ホヤ運動神経節におけるCa2+振動と遊泳運動との関係. ホヤ研究会2018(2018年10月4日)、東北大学青葉山キャンパスH地区H4建物内青葉サイエンスホール、仙台
The first year goal of the project plan of this application research is to determine the cell lineage of the oscillating cells (central pattern generator, CPG cells) by using a calcium indicator GCaMP6. This goal was successfully almost achieved.
It is known from the observation of Ca2+ imaging by GCaMP6 that the CPG cell is a motor ganglion located on the dorsal side of the trunk of the ascidian (Akahoshi et al., 2017). In order to clarify this cell lineage, nuclear localized GCaMP6s was created and introduced into the ascidian embryo. As a result, Ca2+ oscillation was observed in only one pair of left and right cells in the early tailbud embryo stage, but the timing of right and left firing was not synchronized, nor was synchronized with tail muscle excitation. However, in late tailbud embryos, tail muscle excitation was observed synchronously with the increase of Ca2+ concentration in CPG cells. Over time, the excitation of the left and right muscles began to be correlated. From these results, it is suggested that CPG cells are periodically excited independently of muscles first, and then neuromuscular junction with tail muscles occurs, and left and right inhibitory circuits occur after late tailbud stage. In addition, as a result of comparing the position of CPG cells with 3D tailbud embryo (Nakamura et al., 2012), it was found that CPG cells were correspond to the A10.64 cell pair located in the dorsal motor ganglion. Furthermore, it was found that the CPG cell firing interval became shorter as the development progressed, and it gradually approached the 20-second cycle, which is the locomotion interval at which the swimming larva. As described above, we succeeded in directly observing the way in which rhythmicly excited CPG cells build up the nerve and muscle network at the developmental stage, and were able to identify the cell lineage of CPG cells.
Akaboshi Taichi, Hotta Kohji, Oka Kotaro: Relationship between Ca2+ oscillation and swimming locomotion in the motor ganglion of ascidian. Hoya research conference 2018 (October 4, 2018), Aoba Science Hall, H 4 building, H area, Tohoku University Aobayama Campus H area, Sendai