これらのパート譜はおそらく1780年代にモーツァルト家の家庭演奏会やその他の演奏会で使用され、こうした演奏を通じて、ウィーンで作曲されたモーツァルトの新作が、ザルツブルクでいち早く紹介されることとなった。たとえば、1786年にレオポルトの弟子であるH. マルシャンが《ピアノ協奏曲ニ短調》K. 466をザルツブルクで初めて演奏した際に使われた楽譜の一部は、明らかに聖ペテロ修道院が所蔵する筆写パート譜であったと考えられる。こうしたモーツァルトのウィーンで作曲されたピアノ協奏曲のザルツブルク初演は、1782年の《ハフナー交響曲》K.385の初演や1784年の《リンツ交響曲》K.425の初演とともに、1780年代のザルツブルクにおけるモーツァルト受容にとってきわめて重要な出来事だったのである。
This study aims to systematically investigate the manuscript copies of Mozart works in Salzburg and to clarify the situation of reception of Mozart works there. Especially, I conducted a survey research of the performing materials of piano concertos in St. Peter's Abbey, Salzburg. This collections was originally owned by Mozart's father Leopold and, after his death, was donated to the abbey by his daughter Nannerl.
I researched the handwriting of the copyists, the watermarks of the paper, and the readings of the notes in these manuscripts. In addition to Mozart's family (Leopold and Nannerl), the Salzburg court copyists and other anonymous copyists played an important role in making these copies. What this research reveals is that these manuscripts in the collection were established through a very complicated process, and in addition to the original Salzburg parts produced in the 1770s, they also include the parts sent from Vienna by Mozart and the parts newly written in Salzburg in the 1780s.
These manuscript parts were probably used in the Mozart family concerts and other concerts in the 1780s, and through these performances, Mozart's newest works, composed in Vienna, were quickly introduced in Salzburg. For example, in 1786, material used when Leopold's disciple H. Marchand performed Piano Concerto in D minor K. 466 for the first time in Salzburg was clearly the set of parts of St. Peter's Abbey. With the premiere of the 'Haffner' symphony K. 385 in 1782 and the premiere of the 'Linz' symphony K. 425 in 1784, Salzburg premieres of Mozart's viennese piano concertos were very important events for the Mozart reception in Salzburg in the 1780s.