ハチクマ(Pernis ptilorhynchus orientalis) の羽装は特に腹側で個体差に富んでいる。それは淡色(白色〜バフ色)、淡褐色、濃褐色、縞模様といった具合に極めて多様である。これらのパターンは羽毛の基調色と白斑(白縞)の組み合わせによって作られていると考えられ、これはマウスで知られているメラノコルチン受容体1(Mc1r)とアグチシグナルタンパク質(ASIP)によって作られるパターン形成理論と極めて整合性が高い。そこで我々は異なる羽装を持つハチクマがこれらの遺伝子の多型を持っているかどうかを確かめた。
研究の開始に当たり、ハチクマの全ゲノムドラフト配列の決定を行った。使用したのは淡褐色の表現型を持つ個体の血液で、盛岡市動物公園で飼育されていたものである。イルミナ社のHi-seqとCLC genomics workbenchを用いた結果、約60万コンティグからなる約1.5Gbの配列を得た。幸いに、Mc1r遺伝子のコード領域全長とASIP遺伝子コード領域を含む約100kbを入手することができた。
Plumage color patterns of oriental honey buzzard (Pernis ptilorhynchus orientalis; OHB) are particularly diverse on their ventral side, e.g. light (white to buff), intermediate brown, dark brown and barred. It is presumed that these patterns are composed of combinations of basic colors and the size of white spots (bars) in each feather. Since these features are consistent with the phenotypes of mutant strains of melanocortin receptor 1 (Mc1r) and agouti signaling protein (ASIP) in mice, we tried to determine the haplotypes of these genes in individuals which have different plumage paterns.
At the start of this study, we sequenced whole genome of OHB to design the PCR primers which amplify Mc1r and ASIP genes. To extract genome DNA, we used blood sample of intermediate plumage OHB, which kept in the Morioka city zoo. We got 1.5Gb draft sequence consist of 600,000 contigs using Illumina Hi-seq and CLC genomics workbench.
Several pairs of PCR primers for the OHB Mc1r gene were designed based on whole genome sequence. We analyzed 27 individual OHB, whose feathers were corrected at previous survey for the route of migration.
The PCR products were sequenced directly to detect the polymorphisms. We found several SNPs and cloned into plasmid vector to determine the haplotypes.
As a result, we found 9 haplotypes, and two of them are completely associate with dark brown phenotype. These haplotypes bear 16 SNPs (5 are synonymous and 11 are non-synonymous) within 945 base pairs of Mc1r coding region. On the other hand, we could not find any correlation between other phenotypes and haplotypes.
These results suggest that ASIP is involved in the determination of phenotypes other than dark brown. So, we are planning to investigate the correlation between ASIP haplotypes and OHB plumage phenotypes.