詩人ディキンスンが、どのように文学、美術、音楽に影響を与えているのか、その系譜の一端を紹介するために、現在『エミリー・ディキンスン選詩集(Emily Dickinson Among Artists)』 (仮題)を、執筆中である。
"That you compass 'Japan' before you breakfast, not in the least surprises me, clogged only with the Music, like the Wheels of Birds"(L976 to Helen Hunt Jackson, 1885). In this note sent to Jackson who was in South California, looking over the Pacific Ocean, Emily Dickinson seems to boast about the surrounding beauty of the New England, such as a hummingbird "with a delusive Wheel" (M618, Fr1489A), and 'Japan' emerges as an exotic, unreachable, far-east island, as if it were a kind of challenging rivalry over which her vast world of imagination excels. Surely, she may never have dreamed about her reception in Japan after her death, which I shall discuss in this research. To see how she has come and dwelled here, I shall trace our translation history; introduce her influences on major artists; and report how her poetry has been appreciated in contemporary Japan.