2019年度より全国の大学で実施予定とされる新しい教職課程が文部科学省によって具体的に提示され, 現在, 再課程認定の手続きが進められている。今後の教員養成カリキュラムはこの政策動向によって強い制約され, とりわけ本塾のような私立一般大学・研究大学における「開放制教員養成」は深刻な危機に直面しているといえよう。
今日の教員養成をめぐるこのような状況を直視しつつ, 本研究では30年余におよぶ教職課程センター方式による「開放制教員養成」の蓄積, 10年間にわたる学内副専攻級コース(学校教育学コース)による高度な教員養成の実践, 教員養成GPにおける成果などを踏まえ, 本塾独自の教員養成・教師教育モデル(=「慶應モデル」)を構築し, 提案することを目的とした。
3年間にわたるプロジェクト研究としては, 国内外の教師教育に関する先行研究の検討や専門家からの情報収集を通して, 教師教育の理念や実態に関する分析, 国内外の教員養成政策に関する考察, 本塾大学教職課程センターの実践に関するカリキュラム評価などを行なった。また, それらの研究成果をもとに, 本塾大学における教師教育の理念や実践に関する独自性を明らかにするとともに, 開放制教員養成カリキュラム案(慶應モデル)を具体化した。
本研究の意義としては, (1)一般総合大学・研究大学における「開放制教員養成」の意義と課題の明確化に基づいたユニークな事例研究として日本の教師教育学の知見蓄積に貢献できるという点, (2)科目の特設などによるカリキュラム改革を通じて大学独自の理念に基づく教員養成を推進できる可能性を具体的に示すことを通じて, 特に中等教育教員養成に対する一般総合大学ならではの教員養成のあり方が提案できたという点, (3)開放制を堅持することを前提とした教職課程センター方式という教員養成システム(慶應モデル)が, 大学における今後の教員養成に関する議論に一石を投じる可能性が示された点が指摘できよう。
The Ministry of Education have detailed the new pre-service teacher preparation program to be implemented in 2019 at universities throughout Japan. Currently, the curriculum re-accreditation procedure is underway. Going forward, the curriculum for pre-service teacher preparation will be tightly controlled by this policy direction, making it difficult for private universities like ours to train pre-service teachers. After the Second World War, Japan reformed the closed system in which only normal schools trained pre-service teachers to create an open system in which all universities are allowed to train pre-service teachers. However, this current system is facing a crisis.
Confronting the situation of today's pre-service teacher preparation, this research aimed to develop and propose our own pre-service teacher education model (i.e., the Keio Model). The research considered factors such as the 30-year history of the Keio University Teacher Training Center's open pre-service teacher education, 10 years of sophisticated pre-service teacher preparation practice provided through the university's minor course (school education course), and results of the Pre-service Teacher Training Good Practices.
As a three-year research project, we reviewed previous studies on teacher education in Japan and overseas and collected information from experts to analyze the philosophy and reality of teacher education, examine pre-service teacher training policies in Japan and overseas, and evaluate the curricula related to the practices of Keio University Teacher Training Center. Based on these research results, we also clarified the originality of the teacher education philosophy and practice at our university and substantiated the proposal for an open pre-service teacher preparation curriculum (Keio Model).
The significance of this research is as follows. (1) It is a unique case study to clarify the meaning and issue of open pre-service teacher preparation at general universities and research universities, and contributes by adding knowledge on teacher education in Japan. (2) By reforming the curriculum including establishing special courses and demonstrating concrete potential for promoting pre-service teacher training based on the university's unique philosophy, the research proposes how to conduct pre-service teacher training — particularly pre-service junior high school teacher preparation— at general universities. (3) The research highlights the possibility that the pre-service teacher preparation system—that is, the Keio University Teacher Training Center style (Keio Model) premised on keeping the system open—raises questions regarding the discussion on the future of pre-service teacher preparation at universities.