【目的】健康増進のためにEPAやDHAの摂取は推奨されるが、市場に流通するEPA・DHAサプリメントは医薬品と異なりn-6系不飽和脂肪酸や飽和脂肪酸, 一価不飽和脂肪酸など, 有効成分(n-3系不飽和脂肪酸)以外の脂肪酸も含有する。n-3/n-6比の小さな食生活や, 飽和脂肪酸の過剰摂取は健康に悪影響を与える恐れがあり避けるべきであるが, これらの脂肪酸含有情報は製品ラベルに表示されないため, 消費者は意図せずに飽和脂肪酸をはじめとする非表示脂肪酸を摂取することになる。そこで本研究は、EPA・DHAサプリメントに含有する非表示脂肪酸に注目し, n-3/n-6比および飽和脂肪酸含有量を、製品間および健康食品分類別に検討し, 消費者の製品選択に有用な情報の提供を試みた。
【結果】n-3/n-6比は1.9~41.6(平均12.5)となり, 国際脂肪酸・脂質研究学会の推奨する「1日EPA+DHA500㎎」をサプリメントで摂取する場合の飽和脂肪酸の摂取量は33.7~797.9㎎(平均269.0㎎)だった。これを健康食品分類別にみるとn-3/n-6比は機能性表示食品およびいわゆる健康食品でそれぞれ17.8および10.8, 飽和脂肪酸の平均摂取量は213.4㎎および285.9㎎で、機能性表示食品がいわゆる健康食品に比較しn-3/n-6比は高値, 飽和脂肪酸含有量では低値を示した。
【結論】消費者がサプリメントでEPAおよびDHAを摂取する場合, 機能性表示食品を選択する事で, 非表示脂肪酸の意図しない摂取を減らせる可能性が示唆された。
【Purpose】Ingestion of EPA or DHA is recommended for health promotion. In contrast with EPA/DHA-containing drugs, EPA/DHA supplement also contains other fatty acid such as n-6 type unsaturated fatty acid, saturated fatty acid, monounsaturated fatty acid.
A diet low in ratio of n-3/n-6 or saturated fatty acid may adversely affect health and should be avoided, however, the information about these fatty acid content is not displayed on the product label. For that reason, consumers intentionally consume non-indicated fatty acids including saturated fatty acids.
In this study, we tried to provide useful information for consumers to choose products by focusing on non-indicated fatty acids contained in EPA/DHA supplements and investigate the involvement in the health food classification.
【Methods】Fatty acid composition of 30 EPA/DHA supplement (7 Foods with Function Claims, 23 so-called health food products) and 1 medical drugs were measured by GC-MS.
【Results】 The n-3/n-6 ratio was 1.9 to 41.6 (average 12.5), and the intake of saturated fatty acids when supplements were taken in "1 day EPA + DHA 500 mg" recommended by the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids was 33.7 to 797.9 mg (average 269.0 mg).
In viewed from this by health food classification, the n-3/n-6 ratio was 22.6 and 17.7, and the average content of saturated fatty acids was 213.4 mg and 285.9 mg for Foods with Function Claims and so-called health foods, respectively.
【Conclusions】It was suggested that consumers could reduce unintentional intake of non-indicated fatty acids which is contained in EPA/DHA supplements by selecting the Foods with Function Claims.