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/ Public / 文学部 / [図書館・情報学] Library and information science / 77 (2017)   
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Library and information science. 77 ( 2017
icon_article 表紙裏

Library and information science. 77 ( 2017
icon_article 目次

Library and information science. 77 ( 2017 ,p. i - ii
icon_article 司書教諭の活動時間の確保と学校司書の配置が学校図書館利活用に与える効果
Impacts of working arrangements of teacher librarians and school librarians on the level of services in school libraries

松本, 美智子
Library and information science. 77 ( 2017 ,p. 1 - 26
icon_article 日本と韓国における図書館情報学研究者の研究主題の比較分析 : 2000~2014年度の博士学位論文を対象に
Library and information science doctoral dissertation research in Japan and Korea : topics and trends from 2000 to 2014

白, 才恩 , 徐, 有珍
Library and information science. 77 ( 2017 ,p. 27 - 50
icon_article 大学教育における教員と図書館員の連携構築に関するシステマティック・レビュー : 図書館情報学分野における情報リテラシー教育に関する英語論文の分析をもとに
A systematic literature review on building collaboration between teaching faculty and librarians in university education : based on English articles on information literacy instruction in library and information science

長澤, 多代
Library and information science. 77 ( 2017 ,p. 51 - 86
icon_article インターネット時代の企業内専門図書館利用者の情報収集活動と図書館に求める役割
Information-gathering activities by Japanese corporate library users in the Internet age and roles they attribute to the library

小泉, 真理
Library and information science. 77 ( 2017 ,p. 87 - 115
icon_article 「本を読む母親」達は誰と読んでいたのか : 「創作グループ」の長野県PTA 母親文庫からの離脱をめぐって
Who were the partners of "reading mothers"? : an analysis of the decision of the writing circle's withdrawal from PTA mothers book club in Nagano prefecture

山﨑, 沙織
Library and information science. 77 ( 2017 ,p. 117 - 148
icon_article 大学機関別認証評価・アクレディテーションにおける大学図書館の位置づけと役割 : 図書館評価規格の活用を視野に入れて
The value and role of academic libraries within the framework of institutional certified evaluation and accreditation : considering the use of ISO and JIS standards

髙池, 宣彦
Library and information science. 77 ( 2017 ,p. 149 - 181
icon_article 2016年度三田図書館・情報学会会告
2016 report

Library and information science. 77 ( 2017 ,p. 183 - 184
icon_article Library and Information Science投稿規程 ; 論文執筆要綱
Information for authors

Library and information science. 77 ( 2017 ,p. 185 - 186
icon_article 編集後記

Library and information science. 77 ( 2017
icon_article 奥付

Library and information science. 77 ( 2017
icon_article Information for authors

Library and information science. 77 ( 2017
icon_article 裏表紙

Library and information science. 77 ( 2017


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