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/ Public / Institute of Physical Education / Bulletin of the institute of physical education, Keio university / 8(1) (1968)   
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icon_article 表紙

体育研究所紀要. 8, 1 ( 1968 . 12 )
icon_article 標題紙

体育研究所紀要. 8, 1 ( 1968 . 12 )
icon_article 目次

体育研究所紀要. 8, 1 ( 1968 . 12 )
icon_article 慶應義塾大学における基本体育の実態
Fundamental physical training today in Keio University

湯浅, 徹平 , 森下, 孝
体育研究所紀要. 8, 1 ( 1968 . 12 ) ,p. 1 - 22
icon_article 本塾における基本体育実技(剣道の部)の実施状況について
Present status of kendo practice as part of fundamental physical education at Keio University

金子, 国吉
体育研究所紀要. 8, 1 ( 1968 . 12 ) ,p. 23 - 43
icon_article 軍国民教育思想・国家主義教育思想・軍事教育思想の中華民国の学校体育に及ぼした影響
Effects of militarism, nationalism and militant spirit on school physical education in the Republic of China

笹島, 恒輔
体育研究所紀要. 8, 1 ( 1968 . 12 ) ,p. 45 - 61
icon_article 順化状態における適応作用(運動ならびに低酸素環境)
Adaptation in acclimatable state (exercise and low-oxygen environment)

浅野, 均一 , 辰沼, 広吉 , 森下, 孝 , 木村, 正一
体育研究所紀要. 8, 1 ( 1968 . 12 ) ,p. 63 - 84
icon_article スポーツ選手における上腕囲の意義
Meaning of brachial girth in sports players

松木, 駿 , 依田, 隆也
体育研究所紀要. 8, 1 ( 1968 . 12 ) ,p. 85 - 95
icon_article Fundamental physical training today in Keio University

湯浅, 徹平 , 森下, 孝
体育研究所紀要. 8, 1 ( 1968 . 12 ) ,p. 97 - 97
icon_article Present status of kendo practice as part of fundamental physical education at Keio University

金子, 国吉
体育研究所紀要. 8, 1 ( 1968 . 12 ) ,p. 99 - 100
icon_article Effects of militarism, nationalism and militant spirit on school physical education in the Republic of China

笹島, 恒輔
体育研究所紀要. 8, 1 ( 1968 . 12 ) ,p. 101 - 103
icon_article Adaptation in acclimatable state (exercise and low-oxygen environment)

浅野, 均一 , 辰沼, 広吉 , 森下, 孝 , 木村, 正一
体育研究所紀要. 8, 1 ( 1968 . 12 ) ,p. 105 - 108
icon_article Meaning of brachial girth in sports players

松木, 駿 , 依田, 隆也
体育研究所紀要. 8, 1 ( 1968 . 12 ) ,p. 109 - 110
icon_article 奥付

体育研究所紀要. 8, 1 ( 1968 . 12 )
icon_article 裏表紙 : Contents

体育研究所紀要. 8, 1 ( 1968 . 12 )