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/ Public / Institute of Physical Education / Bulletin of the institute of physical education, Keio university / 17(1) (1977)   
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icon_article 表紙

体育研究所紀要. 17, 1 ( 1977 . 12 )
icon_article 標題紙

体育研究所紀要. 17, 1 ( 1977 . 12 )
icon_article 目次

体育研究所紀要. 17, 1 ( 1977 . 12 )
icon_article 神話伝説に表徴される剣術(刀剣)についての考察(1)
A study on the Swordsmanship (swords) symbolized by myths and legends (1)

金子, 國吉
体育研究所紀要. 17, 1 ( 1977 . 12 ) ,p. 1 - 18
icon_article 中世トルコにおける宗教舞踊 : The Whirling Dance と歴史的・宗教的背景
Religious dances in Turkey in the middle ages : the whirling dance and historical and religious background

本間, 周子
体育研究所紀要. 17, 1 ( 1977 . 12 ) ,p. 19 - 28
icon_article 肥満とその治療 : 臨床的立場から
Obesity and its treatment

依田, 隆也
体育研究所紀要. 17, 1 ( 1977 . 12 ) ,p. 29 - 37
icon_article インターナショナル・ルールが日本のバレーボールに及ぼした影響について(その2)
Effects of the international rule on Japanese volleyball (2)

木村, 正一
体育研究所紀要. 17, 1 ( 1977 . 12 ) ,p. 39 - 48
icon_article 肋木運動に関する一考察
A study about exercises by the use of Swedish bar

森下, 孝
体育研究所紀要. 17, 1 ( 1977 . 12 ) ,p. 49 - 58
icon_article 上肢筋群の筋力と種々の身体計測値との関係(第1報) : 懸垂屈腕回数・腕立支持腕屈伸回数と体重増減度・体重補正上腕囲との関係
Relationships between muscular strength of upper arm muscle group and physical measurements (report 1) : relationships between pull-up scores / push-up scores and weight deviation / weight-corrected upper arm circumference

今栄, 貞吉
体育研究所紀要. 17, 1 ( 1977 . 12 ) ,p. 59 - 68
icon_article 中国における社会・経済状勢の変化が20世紀前半の中国学校教育に及ぼした影響
Effects of the change in the social and economical conditions in China on the school education during the first half of the 20th century

笹島, 恒輔
体育研究所紀要. 17, 1 ( 1977 . 12 ) ,p. 69 - 99
icon_article A study on the Swordsmanship (swords) symbolized by myths and legends (1)

金子, 國吉
体育研究所紀要. 17, 1 ( 1977 . 12 ) ,p. 101 - 104
icon_article Religious dances in Turkey in the middle ages : the whirling dance and historical and religious background

本間, 周子
体育研究所紀要. 17, 1 ( 1977 . 12 ) ,p. 105 - 107
icon_article Obesity and its treatment

依田, 隆也
体育研究所紀要. 17, 1 ( 1977 . 12 ) ,p. 109 - 110
icon_article Effects of the international rule on Japanese volleyball (2)

木村, 正一
体育研究所紀要. 17, 1 ( 1977 . 12 ) ,p. 111 - 112
icon_article A study about exercises by the use of Swedish bar

森下, 孝
体育研究所紀要. 17, 1 ( 1977 . 12 ) ,p. 113 - 115
icon_article Relationships between muscular strength of upper arm muscle group and physical measurements (report 1) : relationships between pull-up scores / push-up scores and weight deviation / weight-corrected upper arm circumference

今栄, 貞吉
体育研究所紀要. 17, 1 ( 1977 . 12 ) ,p. 117 - 119
icon_article Effects of the change in the social and economical conditions in China on the school education during the first half of the 20th century

笹島, 恒輔
体育研究所紀要. 17, 1 ( 1977 . 12 ) ,p. 121 - 124
icon_article 奥付

体育研究所紀要. 17, 1 ( 1977 . 12 )
icon_article 裏表紙 : Contents

体育研究所紀要. 17, 1 ( 1977 . 12 )