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/ Public / 慶應義塾大学グローバルCOEプログラム論理と感性の先端的教育研究拠点 / CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility / 2 (2008)   
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icon_article Stimulus equivalence and brain function in Broca's area : a NIRS Study.

菅佐原, 洋 , 山本, 淳一
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 2, ( 2008 ,p. 183 - 192
icon_article A cross-cultural behavioral genetic study on parenting

敷島, 千鶴
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 2, ( 2008 ,p. 193 - 199
icon_article The role of spatial working memory capacity in text comprehension

佐々木, 尚
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 2, ( 2008 ,p. 201 - 211
icon_article Six names Cicero, and why one model is never enough

Tancredi, Christopher
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 2, ( 2008 ,p. 215 - 232
icon_article The verbal overshadowing effect in memory for pictures

伊東, 裕司 , 佐々木, 璃恵 , Hisamatsu, Takeshi , 舘, 瑞恵 , Chin, Jason , Schooler, Jonathan
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 2, ( 2008 ,p. 233 - 246
icon_article Metalinguistic awareness in TEFL : preliminary notes

大津, 由紀雄
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 2, ( 2008 ,p. 247 - 253
icon_article Influence of a classifier system and universal cognitive constraints

今井, むつみ , Saalback, Henrik
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 2, ( 2008 ,p. 255 - 269
icon_article The developmental trajectory of categorizing events by verbs

佐治, 伸郎 , 今井, むつみ
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 2, ( 2008 ,p. 271 - 278
icon_article Availability and accessibility of holistic and featural information in face recognition : effects of retention interval

日根, 恭子 , 伊東, 裕司
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 2, ( 2008 ,p. 279 - 296
icon_article The variety of type entities and the epistemology of linguistic types

飯田, 隆
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 2, ( 2008 ,p. 299 - 309
icon_article Challenges for issues concerning the filming of visual sensibilities : the case of clinically-oriented ethnographic filming.

宮坂, 敬造
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 2, ( 2008 ,p. 311 - 329
icon_article Note of Fra Angelico's rendering of light and shadow

遠山, 公一
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 2, ( 2008 ,p. 331 - 340
icon_article Logic in church decoration : church of San Giobbe in Venice in the late Fifteenth Century

星, 聖子
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 2, ( 2008 ,p. 351 - 368
icon_article The mereological structure of judgement in the early phenomenology

秋葉, 剛史
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 2, ( 2008 ,p. 369 - 375
icon_article Decorazione della volta dello scalone del Palazzo Grimani a Venezia

細野, 喜代
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 2, ( 2008 ,p. 377 - 384
icon_article A report on Euler diagrammatic reasoning system : theory and experiment design

峯島, 宏次 , 岡田, 光弘 , 佐藤, 有理 , 竹村, 亮
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 2, ( 2008 ,p. 387 - 402
icon_article Moore's open question argument reconsidered : remarks on an ontological reading

Ertl, Wolfgang
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 2, ( 2008 ,p. 403 - 412
icon_article 奥付

CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 2, ( 2008
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