本研究は、日本の近代化とドイツ・プロテスタンティスムの関連に着目し、1875 年から1900 年代初頭までの期間、日本からの派遣留学生の実証的記録データの分析を通して、日本近代化形成のプロセスを可視化する試みである。当時の各留学生の学籍登録大学機関および学籍移動の軌跡に関する位置情報については、緯度経度の数値を位置情報として捉え、学期毎に時間軸をレイヤーとして扱う。空間分析手法を人文学の分野に適応させることで新たな射程を呈示することを目指す。具体的対象としてドイツ語圏、特にボン、ベルリン、ハレ等当時のプロイセン王立諸大学への派遣留学生を中心に調査をおこない、学籍登録データの収集および分析をおこなうことを手法とする。
The purpose of this research is to observe the Japanese modernization from a new perspective and to analyze it on the basis of the archived data. Westernization as Political policy was introduced during the Meiji period: the Meiji-government not only introduced the western elements into the country, but also sent many young students to Europe and the USA. These people who have been sent are later given leading positions in various areas in Japan. In this project, various original data (ca.1875 - 1900) were collected in many German university archives and on the basis of these data attempts were made to clarify the human network of that time and to show how this relationship was closely linked to Japanese modernization.
However, it was very important that the Meiji government had a close relationship with the Prussian government at the time. For this reason, the data are mostly collected from former Royal Prussian universities (Bonn, Berlin, Halle, Bresslau, Freiberg, Leipzig, Münster, Prag, Karlsruhe, Göttingen, Marburg, München, usw.). In the background we could also clearly see that the Protestant ideas of the Prussian Academy should have had a very strong influence on Japanese modernization and democratization. By analyzing the original data, it is targeted to present this process in more concrete terms.