The purpose of this study is to re-examine the national teacher preparation reform by comparing the curriculum development process of Japan to the one of US. This study will contribute Keio University to develop its original curriculum for teacher education. In this academic year, we carried out the following three projects.
First, we researched the current teacher preparation conditions in Japan. We conducted two case studies, Akita International University and Oita University. The former, Akita International University, adopts 'Active Learning Methods' which means to facilitate the students' autonomous learning. They organized Active Learning and Assessment Center for their self-monitoring. The latter, Oita University, created an extracurricular course for students who would take the teacher employment exams. They had been trying to build it on the base of academic educational researches.
Secondly, we examined the actual conditions of public school teachers. We visited four schools in Hokkaido, Fukushima, Nagano and Fukui prefectures. We found that young teachers could get various opportunities for self-development such as mentoring and supportive guidance.
Thirdly, we put forward the researches on the history of US and Japan teacher preparation curriculum, collecting the first-hand materials of each university such as Framingham State University, MA, or Eastern Michigan University. The preceding researches has revealed that the past educational policies were based on the hypnoses that the curriculum reform would improve the quality of teachers. However, these two case studies show that the teacher preparation curriculum reform had little impact on the quality of teachers, and that the teacher quality was more related to the attractiveness of teaching. It suggests that it would more effective to improve the salary or social status of teaching than to force each college reforming its curriculum.
We are now preparing the drafts for the presentation at an international academic conference as well as for the submission to an academic journal, getting the professional native assistance.
Because of the diminution of the budget, we abandoned the researches on the history of German teacher preparation system.