以上の研究内容をSFC ORF 2018で展示, 「グリーンインフラってなあに?」(世田谷区主催公開シンポジウムで講演)地理情報システム学会IoT✕GIS分科会で講演,「SDGsへ学会誌へ投稿を行い,研究成果を積極的に発信した.
Since industrialization, civil engineering and construction technology has progressed well, and cities have been brought about the development of gray infrastructure by concrete. Gray infrastructure is known to occupy land and adversely affect the ecological environment. Eco-friendly Green Infrastructure (GI) using ecosystem services to review it has been attracting attentions, and various measures such as green restoration, rainwater absorption, rooftop greening have been proposed. On the other hand, GI is concerned about the cost increase in construction and maintenance and does not penetrate as we expected. In the background, there is a lack of scientific data and information sharing. This study combines cyber and physical worlds with geographic information systems (Geo CPS) for supporting the development of green infrastructure collaboratively. The research was conducted by three steps: (1) examine the needs in physical space, (2) Develop geographic information in cyber world, (3) integration of cyber-physical systems (Geo CPS) for practice. For (1), the resources for GI (water, green, etc.), the potential (farmland, vacant lot, culvert, etc.), the environmental effect are examined. For (2), The Geographic Information Database was developed for the projection on 3D models. For (3), one-dimensional IoT sensor data, two-dimensional geographical information (GIS) in three-dimensional panorama model. A Geographic information platform that integrates physical and virtual worlds into a model Geo CPS based on augmented reality Sandbox. The research result was demonstrated at SFC ORF 2018, presented at the public symposium "What is green infrastructure?" (organized by Setagaya-ward, Tokyo), and spoke at a gathering of Geographical Information Systems Association etc.