【課題 1】情動的・社会的対話行動を重視した多人数対話戦略と合意形成への影響
【課題 2】対話を通した対人情動遷移傾向の共発達性とソフトウェア基盤
We call social robots that can actively connect, collaborate and co-develop with machines, information services, and human, as "Social Robots". In this project, the importance of high-precision emotion recognition, spatio-temporal interval control, and co-developed personality in interpersonal interaction strategies is discussed from the above three perspectives, and an implementation model is proposed for each. We will apply the proposed method to support nursing care communication work in a cooperative day care facility, verify the validity and usefulness of the proposed method empirically, and establish a method to construct collaborative and co-evolving robots. In FY 2021, the last year of the research project, we conducted the following two tasks in parallel, based on the results of the previous years.
Research Theme 1: Multi-person dialogue strategies emphasizing emotional and social dialogue behaviors and their impact on consensus building
We defined a new data structure for dialogue context that enables interruption and resumption of dialogue tasks, discussed an adaptive dialogue strategy planning method that takes into account dialogue structure information (adjacent pairs and their linkage information), dialogue duration, importance of dialogue context, and static social relationships among speakers, and implemented it as a dialogue control platform. This enabled the implementation of a dialogue system that integrates the use of nonverbal behavior information, meta-dialogue information, and dynamic social relationship information between speakers to generate appropriate dialogue pauses.
Research Theme 2: Co-developmental and Software Foundations of Interpersonal Emotional Transition Tendencies through Interaction
In this work, we focused on the dynamics between the acquisition of interpersonal emotional cognition and personality formation as a form of co-development through human-robot interaction, and discussed a method to develop a robot's personality during long-term interaction. Specifically, we defined the robot's emotions as interpersonal emotions and internal emotions, and proposed an algorithm for gradual personality development by adjusting the transition tendency (affective tendency) of each emotion according to the history of user behavior toward the robot. We conducted a long-term study (multiple verification experiments with 3 months as one round) on the impact of robot personality development on symbiotic and cooperative activities with users.