理論研究と実証的研究を組み合わせ新研究手法を導入し, 論理推論, 論理判断, 意思決定について多層的成果を得た。特に, (1) グラフィック情報提示の相違が論理推論・意思決定へ与える影響, (2) 遺伝要因が論理推論, 認知能力, 意思決定方略選択へ与える影響, (3) 20世紀初頭の先駆的論理哲学研究(フッサール, ヒルベルト, ウィトゲンシュタインなど)が現代の推論・判断・論証的計算論に与える影響, に関して新たな知見を得た。また, (4) 線形論理, 直観主義論理などの論理判断基礎構造の解明とその情報科学への応用, (5) ゲーム理論と認識論理の関係及び, 行為の哲学を動的論理・認識論理の関係, などを中心に成果を上げた。
We have clarified various aspects of many-layered logical judgement-decision making processes, by introducing new methodologies combinig theoretical methods and experimental methods.We obtained new results on the following ; (1) effects of different ways of graphic-diagrammatic information-representation on judger's logical inferences and decision making ; (2) influences of genetic factors on individual's decision making, logical inference and cognitive abilities ; (3) influences and potential influences of the logical-philosophicalnt works of the early 20th century (Husserl, Hilbert, Wittgenstein)on our contemporary logical theories. (4) We developed linear logical vews and possible world-semantical views of classical-logical judgments and gave their applications to computer scientific judgments (e.g., on logical judgment for communication network security). (5) We also gave a new relationship between game theory and epistemic logic, and between philosophy of action and dynamic logic.