本稿は, 近代期に汽船経営と鉱山経営に展開した廣海二三郎家の多角的経営を明らかにする。19世紀の廣海家は, 船持商人として大きな利益を上げたが, 地域間価格差が縮小するとともに19世紀末にその利益率は減少した。そこで廣海家は硫黄鉱山経営へ展開したが, 安定した収益源にはならず, 結果的に汽船を購入して貸船経営を行うことで, 第一次世界大戦期に経営を拡大した。その後は, 有価証券投資により有力な資産家となり, 寄付活動を通して地域社会に貢献した。
This research analyzed the diversified management development of the family of HIROUMI Nisaburo, who managed a steamship and mining business. In the 19th century, the family, as a merchant ship owner, generated a lot of profit. However, its profit rate declined at the end of the 19th century with a reduction in the price differential between areas. At the beginning of the 20th century, the family started a sulfur mining business, but its profits were unstable. Later, the family purchased steamships and lent them to others. Therefore, its management scale increased during World War I (WWI). Afterwards, the HIROUMI family became an influential and wealthy family due to its investment in securities and it contributed to the local society in which it lived by making donations.