My goal in this paper is to understand, in the light of intuition andemotion, the problem-finding and value judgments by organisationalmembers that are part of organisational creation activities towardsnew product and technology. In doing so, I emphasise the importanceof embodied knowledge in organisations as an explanatory concept.My paper proposes ways of approaching intuitive understandingand sense of value as these are posited as objects of research.Approaches from the first, second, and third-person's viewpoints resultin a deeper grasp of embodied knowledge in organisations. Importantin innovation by organisational members is embodied knowledgein organisations, which has a bearing on problem-finding beforeany problem-solving or decision making takes place, and on valuejudgments about the importance of problems that have been found.This article proposes the concept of embodied knowledge, and, by introducingit, gives a profound understanding of that facet of activitiesfor innovation characterised by tacit knowledge held by organisationalindividuals.