後者の研究成果については、POSデータを使い、新型コロナ感染拡大第一波の時期の物価動向を検証し、消費者行動の変化により物価指数には上方バイアスではなく下方バイアスが生じていたことを示す論文を、慶應義塾経済研究所のディスカッションペーパーとした後、Japan and the World Economy誌に投稿し、査読者のコメントへの対応を経て、2023年3月発刊の同誌に掲載された。
このほか、助成により購入したNikkei CPI Nowという日次POSデータを使った物価指数データについては、担当するEBPMの授業などでも活用したほか、研究会所属の学生がこのデータを使い、卒業論文を執筆するなど、研究活動以外にも広く利用を進めた。
This study is organized by two related research projects.
The first examines desirable fiscal and monetary policies under a macroeconomic environment characterized by low growth, low interest rates, low inflation, and ballooning public debt. In particular, the project focuses on the issue of how macroeconomic stability can be achieved sustainably against the backdrop of an aging and declining population and ballooning government debt.
The second empirically and practically examine the state of economic statistics in response to the rapid economic structural changes in the COVID-19 turmoil. The project focuses on incorporating alternative data into official government statistics amid the progress of economic digitization and globalization. Alternative data, with more rapid and more frequent observations, has been developing rapidly under the initiative of the private sector
The results of the former research are discussed in Chapter 13 of the forthcoming book, "Monetary Policy: Theory and Practice," in the context of the future outlook for monetary policy. The results of this research were also used in the first policy recommendations of the "Reiwa Rincho" (with the Japan Productivity Center as secretariat), in which I participate as one of the members.
Regarding the latter, I, with my co-author, wrote the paper, which shows not upward but downward bias was observed in the Japanese CPI due to changes in consumer behavior under the first wave of COVID-19 spread, using scanner data for retailers. We first published the paper in a discussion paper at the Keio Economic Research Institute and then submitted it to the Japan and the World Economy. The paper was published in the March 2023 issue of Japan and the World Economy after responding to the reviewer's comments.
In addition, a paper examining challenges for the accuracy of the CPI was prepared as a chapter in the monograph, "Prices and Land Prices in Japan" (University of Tokyo Press), which is scheduled to be published in April 2023.
Regarding the Nikkei CPI Now data, which is price index data based on daily POS data and purchased by the grant, I also used it in a wider range of academic activities. For example, I used it in my EBPM classes this academic year, and a student in my seminar wrote his thesis using this data.