本研究は、CBS (cystathionine beta-synthase)やCSE (cystathionine gamma-lyase)より産生されるチオール(-SH 基を持つ)化合物、パースルフィド(-SSH 基を持つ)化合物等、「含硫化合物」の眼球における機能解明を目的とする。
眼球は、高い抗酸化作用を有するチオール化合物のひとつであるグルタチオン(GSH)の濃度が高い組織として知られるが、眼球中のGSH量は加齢に伴い減少する。また高齢での発症率が高い白内障は、CBSノックアウトマウス(CBS KO)の表現型の一つであり、白内障の治療にはグルタチオン点眼薬が汎用されているがその作用機序は不明である。一方、CSEノックアウトマウス(CSE KO)は白内障を発症しない。
申請者は、独自に確立した含硫化合物の絶対定量法を用いてCBS KO、CSE KOの眼球の含硫化合物を定量した結果、GSHとグルタチオンパースルフィド(GSSH)は野生型に比べてCBS KO、CSE KOで有意に減少していたが、CBS KOとCSE KOでは有意な差はみられなかった。一方で、チオール化合物の一つであるホモシステイン(Hcys)とホモシステインパースルフィド(Hcys-SSH)が野生型に比べてCBS KOで有意に増加していたが、CSE KOでは野生型に比べて有意な差は見られなかった。
そこで、質量分析イメージング法と表面増強ラマンイメージング法を駆使し、CBS KOとCSE KOの眼球中の含硫化合物について局在情報を含めた詳細な解析を行った結果、HcysとHcys-SSHがCBS KOマウスの眼球の特に硝子体で増加していることが分かった。
This study aims to elucidate the functions of reactive sulfur species (RSS) in the eye, such as thiol compounds (containing an-SH groups) and persulfide compounds (containing an-SSH groups) synthesized by the enzymes CBS(cystathionine beta-synthase) and CSE(cystathionine gamma-lyase).
Glutathione (GSH) is one of the most powerful anti-oxidant thiol compounds, and the eyes are known to contain a high level of GSH. Furthermore, a glutathione-eye-drop is well known to treat Cataracs, which is one of the common eye diseases in elderly people. Cataracs is a major phenotype of the CBS knockout mice (CBS-KO), but not in CSE knockout mice (CSE-KO).
Previously, we measured the amount of the thiol compounds comprehensively in mouse eyes. As the result, the levels of GSH and glutathione-persulfide (GSSH) in the eyes of these KO mice are significantly lower than that of the WT. On the other hand, homocysteine (Hcys) and homocysteine persulfide (Hcys-SSH), one of the RSS, were significantly increased in CBS KO compared to wild type, while no significant difference was found in CSE KO compared to wild type.
In this study, we tried to detect the RSS in the eye by use of the MALDI (Matrix-Assisted Laser/Desorption Ionization ) MS imaging and SERS (Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy) imaging. Using these technologies, both Hcys and Hcy-SSH were higher than
Therefore, we performed a detailed analysis of RSS, including localization information, in the eyes of CBS KO and CSE KO mice using MALDI (Matrix-Assisted Laser/Desorption Ionization ) MS imaging and SERS (Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy) imaging. As a result, the Hcys and Hcys-SSH are higher in the eyes of CBS KO mice, especially in the vitreous.
Hcys has high nucleophilic reactivity and tissue and plasma concentrations are as low as 1/100 of GSH. However, as is known in homocystinuria, a slight increase in plasma levels of Hcys can cause systemic symptoms such as mental retardation and skeletal abnormalities, and vision loss due to lens dislocation is also a typical symptom in homocystinuria.
Based on these results, we will continue to focus on the relationship between GSH and Hcys in ocular function.